Page 82 of Dealing with Kate

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“Pft,” Edward said. “There are plenty of opportunities to open a new business here.”

“Of course you’d say that. You’re the mayor,” Lucy said. “What about a hair salon, Daisy? Didn’t you graduate from beauty school once upon a time?”

“Ages ago. I’m sure a lot has changed.”

“Hey,” Lucy said. “Now that Daisy’s here, we can include her in the hunt for bridesmaids’ dresses.”

“Great idea, Loo,” Kate said. “The wedding’s in twelve weeks. Let me check next week’s calendar, and I’ll email everyone with some potential dates.”

They spent the rest of the meal listening to Daisy’s latest adventures. Her time in Paris and her job at the café. Her stories included a man named Pierre, which Emma thought was a little cliché, but was still overjoyed for her sister.

After dinner, Emma followed her mother to the kitchen to help with dessert.

“Thank you, honey,” her mom said. “I can always count on you for help. Did you know Daisy was coming home?”

“Yeah, but she asked me to keep it a surprise. She has the most wonderful adventures. I wish I could be more like her.”

“Oh, baby. Don’t compare yourself to anyone. You’re perfect just the way you are. You don’t need to change for anybody.” She planted a kiss on Emma’s head.

“What if I want to change for myself?”

“Then do it for you.” She smiled. “But no one else.”
