Page 104 of Beautiful Devil

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In the two months since I’d made the decision to stay, almost everything had changed. Kostya’s proclamation of retiring from the business I knew would only last but for so long but watching him relax had been endearing. While many aspects had changed about him, the man inside, the need for a different level of power would remain with him.

I’d accepted that just like he’d accepted the fact I couldn’t simply be his lover. My employment at the local pediatric clinic had been met with chagrin, his usual grumbling, but he’d finally agreed with caveats. I’d always have a bodyguard, but that was okay with me as long as I was allowed to engage in the profession I loved.

My mother was flourishing, the doctors stating she was in remission. For how long no one knew, but she’d immersed herself in the household, enjoying every aspect of being a part of the… family. What a strange family we were. I laughed softly as I pressed my hand down my dress, still nervous even though nothing would change.

I sensed his presence and turned, basking in just how handsome the man truly was. I’d known beautiful men in my life, gorgeous creatures of every size and shape. But Kostya was exquisite, his darkness adding the perfect seductive touch. And today, as he stood in a stunning dark suit and a crisp white shirt, my mouth watered from the sight of him alone.

He walked closer, his eyes twinkling. “Are you ready for this?”

“More than ready. And you?”

“Let’s just say I save some plans for tonight.”

“Mmm… I like the sound of that.”

He turned his head, studying the small group of people who stood barely twenty feet behind, the odd look in his eyes because of the surprise I’d managed to pull off.

I’d located his mother in South America, inviting her to this special day. It was the second and likely last time I’d see tears in his eyes, but I’d accept that in exchange for being able to see the incredible moment of reconnection.

Diego stood by my mother, the grin on his face as surprising as the moment itself. I actually liked the guy more than I thought I would. And Kiki suddenly adored him. Stranger things had happened than breaking through the steel plated armor of two men.

As the minister moved from within the crowd, heading to the edge of the cliff, I glanced toward the ocean, the sunset a glorious sight.

While we would be married, there would be no formal record of our union, no clear sign that the great Ghost had embraced a weakness. That would make me a greater target and he refused to allow that to happen.

Such was the life of a former love now to become the wife of a powerful, dangerous man.

As the minister started to speak, I realized there would be a third time I’d see tears in my lover’s eyes.

It would be on the day our baby boy was born in less than seven months.


That had been the one thing Kostya had wanted his entire life but had been forbidden to have.

He could have chosen a life of loneliness as the wealthiest man in the world. Instead, he’d taken a chance on a woman that would forever be known as hishermosa flor.

His beautiful flower…

The End

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