Page 17 of Beautiful Devil

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“You’re very brave for a woman who’d sitting on a plane hundreds of miles from home.”

“Is that a threat, Kostya?” she asked, nervously taking another sip.

I took my time studying her, enjoying the view more than I should. No one had ever been to my private residence other than the people I’d hired as employees. That meant I’d crossed a personal line that could never be retracted. By all rights, I should have left her at the airport, allowing her to return to her life, pushing aside the possibility she had access to her father’s private things.

“What would you like me to call you?” I asked, noticing she was already getting sleepy.

“I have a name.” She shook her head, once again returning her gaze out the window. “Where are you taking me?”

I thought about my answer, leaning forward as she slowly began to lose her grip on the glass, her eyelids heavy. When I reached over, pulling the tumbler from her hand, she didn’t try to stop me. I slipped a single finger under her chin, forcing her to look into my eyes. “I’m taking you home.”

She repeated the word as her head became heavy. I gently eased her against the seat, leaning over and pressing my lips against her cheek as I removed the glass from her hand.

I sat watching her for a full minute before placing her drink on the table and grabbing my iPad.

As I brought up the email Diego had sent, providing me with a full dossier on the beautiful woman, I took several deep breaths. Just by flipping through the wealth of information, I gathered a three hundred sixty degree glimpse into her life, if only from the outside looking in. Her achievements were extensive, her accolades impressive. My lieutenant had been able to hack into her medical records, her educational background, and her experience in two different hospitals. He’d also managed to discover personal details that very few individuals in the world could manage.

He’d just earned a significant bonus.

I closed my eyes, realizing that what I was about to do could potentially cause a significant rift in my organization, as well as expose a part of my world that had never seen the light of day. Was this woman worth risking it all in order to taste the forbidden fruit?

An overwhelming feeling of darkness trickled into my system, a need so intense and powerful that it was difficult to catch my breath. As I studied the various photographs he’d found, flipping through them one by one, my cock throbbed to the point of anguish.

The decision was made. Period.

My beautiful flower was now a part of my life whether she liked it or not.



“You might be taken at some point, Emily. Given the life I’ve chosen, I have many enemies. I’ve prepared you in case that ever happens. You’re a very brave girl. You’ll know exactly what to do in almost any situation. Remember that sometimes you’ll need to pretend as if you care about the person who abducted you. I know that will go against everything in your psyche, but you must do it. The ultimate goal is to remain alive. Garnering even minimal trust will enable you to get inside their heads. You’re looking for a way out that will give you enough time to get away. That might take some time. Pay attention to everything around you, no matter how inconsequential. Your life could depend on it.”

“Daddy,” I murmured as I floated up from the dream. There was a softness surrounding me, a light breeze tickling my face. As my father’s face slowly started to fade, I willed myself to open my eyes, but the draw of comfort and peace was too much. I rolled over, shoving my face into the gentle caress of something soft. But the nagging continued, picking at my mind, pushing me to awaken. What had happened? The dream was so real. I… As the realization that my father’s prediction had come true shifted into the forefront of my mind, I took several breaths, the feeling of suffocation adding to the near panic. I allowed my eyes to flicker open, only to be assaulted by the bright glow of light.


Brutal. Handsome. Demanding.

Filthy thoughts drifted into my mind, his scent lingering.Remember, he’s the devil.A slight moan escaped, my attempts at shoving the dirty images out of my mind difficult.

I quickly realized I was lying on a bed, the softness I’d felt a billow of sheets. An immediate moment of horror rushed into my system as I slid my hand underneath the covers, terrified that he’d already taken me for a second time. When I realized I was still in the clothes I’d been wearing for hours, maybe days, at least I could breathe a small sigh of relief.

“Relax, Emily. You’re safe now.” His voice. So dark and sensual. The man. The murderer. My captor.

I shifted my gaze to the right, stifling a scream. He was sitting in a chair near me, sprawled out as if he’d been there for a while. He’d changed, the white tee shirt barely hiding his muscular physique, black jeans accentuating his darkness. There was no disguising the way he was studying me, as if the man had already developed an itinerary for how he was going to break me down in body and spirit.

My mind was still foggy as I tried to grasp why I couldn’t remember being led to this room. Then it dawned on me that he’d spiked my drink. I’d been such a fool. As I sat up, clinging to the sheets, he lifted his head, tapping his fingers on the arm of the chair.

“You drugged me, you bastard.” I was surprised my accusations didn’t immediately rile him.

“You were distraught, overwhelmed with the situation. I thought it in your best interest for you to get some rest.”

“So you drugged me against my will?”

When he rose to his feet, I backed away, yanking on the sheet as if that would prevent him from violating me. While he closed the distance, he stopped short, only a foot away from the bed, his gaze becoming hard and cold.

“Make no mistake, sweet Emily, you now belong to me, but I have no intention of taking you again until you beg me to. Soon enough, you’ll hunger for what only I can provide.”

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