Page 28 of Beautiful Devil

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And no enemy would learn of her existence.

Every sound she made continued to fuel the fire, every breathless whisper crying out for more. I wanted to rake aside her innocence, corrupting her with my indecency. I longed to taint her with my scent, marking her with my brand. All things that would come to pass, but not until she learned about the strictness of her new surroundings.

But for now, I’d enjoy the pleasure her body gave me, savoring the first real taste of freedom I’d had in years. There was no calming my needs. I required her surrender. I yanked on her hair, keeping her in place as she undulated, still clawing at the bedding. I longed for her to scream out my name in rapture, but that would be a gift she’d only offer when and if she learned to trust me.

I continued to take from her, trying to keep my control, but it was my body betraying me, refusing to cooperate. The explosive heat between us crackled with another round of electricity and within seconds, there was nothing I could do. As I erupted inside her tight ass, I threw my head back, taking gasping breaths. When I released her hair, she collapsed on the bed, and I pushed my full weight against her. There was nothing like the feel of her body nestled under mine.

As I breathed across her neck, she tensed once again, turning her head away from me.

I eased to the side, stroking her back, finding no need to offer comfort or what she might expect in conversation after heated sex. I wasn’t that kind of man. When I realized she’d fallen asleep, I pulled away, tugging on the sheet until I was able to cover a portion of her body.

Then I rolled onto my back, placing my arms behind my head. What the hell was I supposed to do with her now? As soon as a single member of the Bratva realized what I had in my possession, they would require her termination, possibly using her mother against me. I was playing a dangerous game on two levels. By all rights that’s exactly what should happen, Emily’s blood in exchange for the members of the Bratva who’d been sent to prison.

But my decisions were final.

And anyone who dared try to fuck with it would learn the hard way why they didn’t want to cross me.

As I shifted to face her again, I took a few precious seconds to enjoy her peaceful slumber. When I brushed my knuckles down her arm, she moaned in her sleep, her body jerking several times. This was no life for someone so innocent, but it was entirely possible I would become the only man who could keep her alive.

With or without the stolen information, her life was in danger.

I rose from the bed, moving toward the open French doors and peering out at the grounds. The wind allowed me to hear the whinnying of the horses, which brought another round of images into my mind. I hadn’t been riding in months and it had felt good, damn good. I’d spend so much time away from my home that I almost didn’t feel comfortable in my surroundings. That had never bothered me before. Why now? The woman? Laughing softly, I turned away, grabbing my jeans and struggling into them. I’d allow her to rest before taking her again.

Besides, I had a phone call to make.

I left the door unlocked and padded downstairs, moving into the kitchen.

“SeñorBaranov,” Maria greeted me. She’d been with me since the beginning, her loyalty uncompromised.

“Maria.Es bueno estar en casa.” As I told her it was good to be home, the words had never meant anything until now. Within seconds, Kiki raced through the rooms, bumping her head against my leg as her tail turned in circle after circle. “Hello, girl. It’s good to see you too.” I continued stroking the pup’s head as I leaned against the doorway, savoring the scent of freshly baked bread in the oven.

“La cena estara lista en veinte minutos,” she stated, darting a look at the other women in the kitchen.

Dinner will be ready in twenty minutes.

“Prepararias una bandeja en su lugar?” I could tell that by asking her if she’d prepare a tray I’d somehow disappointed her. She was a traditionalist, often acting as if I needed an entirely different level of protection.

She frowned then nodded, floating her gaze toward the upstairs.

This time I addressed her in English, which everyone spoke fluently yet Maria usually refused to acknowledge. “Emily Shephard is my guest and as such, is afforded every aspect of courtesy in this house. However, she is not allowed outside without being escorted. Do I make myself clear?”

“Si, señor.”

I moved beside Maria, grabbing a grape and a piece of cheese from the already prepared appetizers, pitching the block of Colby toward Kiki then popping the grape into my mouth. It was time for a drink before calling Alexei.

As I headed into my office, Kiki trotting by my side, I couldn’t seem to get Emily off my mind. Sighing, I checked email, realizing I had a new classified document only recently sent. After pouring a glass of scotch, I logged onto the secure site before opening. If it had made it through to my private account, that meant Diego had searched both the contents and the IP address, determining it was safe and without tracers. However, given the address was one I didn’t recognize, I used additional caution, running it through a computer program designed to hide all traces of my location. Only then did I open the email.

After reading the request, I sat back, rolling the scotch back and forth in my hand, noticing Diego standing just inside my door minutes later. I studied him for a few seconds while rubbing Kiki’s head, anticipating the kind of crap he was going to give me.

He seemed more agitated than before, especially when studying my lack of clothing and bare feet. Huffing, he looked away, acting as if this was a social visit.

“What crawled up your ass?” I finally asked after reading the email a second time.

“You’re looking at the email?”

“Yes. While intriguing, I’m not interested.”

“Not even for ten million dollars?” Diego shifted to being incensed since he was always paid a portion of whatever mission I accepted. I’d made him a very rich man over the years, something he continually seemed to forget about.

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