Page 81 of Beautiful Devil

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Seconds passed. Minutes. I could tell Kostya was growing frustrated, every curse word he issued in a different language. I noticed something out of the corner of my eye and dropped to my knees, yanking clothes and pictures out of my way. Then I took a deep breath. There it was. The jewelry box, an item most assassins wouldn’t take a second glance at. Thank God my father had been cunning all the way to the end of his life.

My father had warned me more than once to find a special place in my home that I’d be able to hide valuables. He’d counseled me to hide them in plain sight. I was beginning to appreciate his diligence more than before. As I lifted the box into my hand, images of the last time I could remember seeing my parents together and happy floated into my mind.

“I found it.” I barely issued the words when Kostya moved by my side, his body tenser than mine. As I finally found the courage to open it, a strange sense of knowing my father’s presence was in the room, watching me, perhaps attempting to guide me was overwhelming. I’d never believed in ghosts, but my sixth sense had never been wrong. I gently pushed the few pieces of jewelry aside, driven down memory lane seeing pieces I hadn’t worn in years. Then I peeled away the false bottom, revealing the single item that had driven men to madness and brutality.

One black flash drive.

Kostya eased it from the box, laughing softly as he held it in front of both of us. “This should be interesting.”

A muffled sound caught his attention and within seconds, he’d pocketed the drive, dragging me to my feet then shoving me against the wall. “Stay quiet,” he instructed, giving me a single nod as he lifted his weapon.

There was no doubt the next sound was the front door slamming against the entrance wall. Then there were two sets of footsteps racing toward us. Kostya pushed me down, crouching in front of me, prepared to shoot.

“El Capitan. We need to exit. Your position has been compromised.”

Kostya cursed in Russian then reached into his pocket, pulling out a knife. “Take this. Keep it with you for protection.”

I stared at it for a few seconds before accepting, pulling the blade against my chest. “I’ll keep it with me.”

“Good. You know how to defend yourself. Don’t hesitate.”

The two soldiers were ones I hadn’t seen before, both immediately advancing.

“Take Emily to the SUV. Guard her with your life.” Kostya’s command was immediately followed, one man grabbing me by the arm.

“What are you doing?” I hissed, automatically fighting with the man’s hold.

“Getting us out of here.” Kostya was all business, shifting to the single window, darting in front of it only once. A shot ricocheted off the side of the house, the pinging noise sweeping terror and panic through me.

“Kostya.” His name slipped from my mouth.

For a few seconds, his stern, angry face shifted into enough tenderness that I was reassured. “Trust me. Remember that. Stay down in the vehicle.”

I was dragged out of the room and toward the front door, the two men obviously well trained, shielding me. The sound of glass being shattered boosted the hard-core adrenaline, every nerve standing on end. What in the hell did Kostya think he was going to be able to do?

The SUV was already running and as I was rushed down the stairs, several additional gunshots rang out. One of the soldiers protecting me was forced to fire off three shots in rapid succession, the other shoving me into the back seat, slamming the door. Within seconds, the driver pressed down on the accelerator, tires screeching as the vehicle was jerked from one side to the other.

I did as I’d been told, hugging the seat as the soldier continued his high rate of speed, screeching around a corner within seconds. The sounds became muffled, but I jumped every time a weapon was fired. I couldn’t stop shaking, my throat almost completely closed off. I counted to ten then couldn’t take it any longer, lifting my head. I knew the city well enough to realize the driver was headed toward the interstate. Without Kostya?

“Where is he?”

The soldier barely glanced in the rearview mirror, remaining quiet.

“I asked you a question. Where the hell is Kostya?”

He took a deep breath, holding it then swung around another corner sharply, tossing me toward one side.

I refused to allow the asshole to ignore me, shifting in between the seats. “I’m not going anywhere. Tell. Me.”

His huff was a clear indication of his disregard for the woman who’d attempted to give him orders. “He will meet us at the airport.”

“Are you certain of that?”

His harsh glare was my answer.

He said nothing else as he sped down the interstate, constantly checking in his rearview mirror, speaking with at least one other soldier almost constantly. But there was no news on Kostya.

By the point I noticed he wasn’t headed toward the main airport, I was so sick inside I could barely breathe.

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