Page 84 of Beautiful Devil

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“At this point, it no longer matters.” Whatever the reason the man had for eliminating his first son was of no consequence. He’d dared to enter my world and would get a brutal lesson in fucking with the wrong man.

“Assassinate and leave. That’s what you do.” She offered a slight smile, her tease the only way she could handle the situation.

“Be careful or your caustic words will garner you a hard spanking.”

“I think you’re the one who needs to be careful. You might develop a sense of humor.”

She had a way of allowing me to smile even during dangerous circumstances. “We’ll go to the house I own. You’ll be protected there.”

“As you told me before. There’s nowhere completely safe.”

“Stop using my words against me.”

We both turned as another car drove into the facility, the soldiers who’d remained by my side, prepared for another attack. When the car was stopped, Diego exiting from the Corvette, he grinned.

I gave him a hard glare.

“What? I might as well indulge myself while I’m in Miami. Right?” He ripped off his sunglasses, grinning broadly.

“I wish you wouldn’t do this,” she said as she gripped my arm.

“Relax, sweetheart. This is what I do best. I’ll be right back.”

I left her next to the Maserati, the waning sun highlighting the Miami Beach buildings, the limited light giving off ominous shadows. Maybe it was just my piss poor mood or the fact Volkov had been one step ahead of me the entire time that continued to gnaw at me. I was finished with being on the receiving end.

Diego had safely handled the extraction of Emily’s mother, afterwards jumping on the second cargo plane with the remaining soldiers headed for Miami. He’d managed to obtain several pieces of information as well as two viable tips providing an indication of where Volkov was hiding in wait, the secluded estate close enough to the house I owned in Miami Beach to potentially be a problem.

Diego approached, lifting his eyebrows as he read the sign on the thick stone building. “Robovault. Interesting.”

“It’s off the grid, not located on any map or GPS coordinates, above sea level, and has the highest level of security in the business.”

“To keep your precious cargo safe.” His chiding was bad timing, but we were all under duress, weary from the chase.

“Have you confirmed the intel?”

“Yes. Volkov was seen driving into the compound almost two hours ago. It’s owned by a dummy corporation, but I was able to trace it to the Volkov family easily enough. That surprises me.”

Yes, that could be a costly mistake, an unusual one at that.

“And you’re certain it was him?”

Diego snorted. “You need to learn to trust people, Kostya. I used a heat sensor identification system. It was eighty-nine percent certain.”

“Eighty-nine percent,” I huffed. That left eleven percent that the person inside the mansion was a decoy. “Trust is what will get you killed, my friend. Are the soldiers in position at both locations?” I wanted my estate protected as well. There was zero margin for error. Any wrong moves and the entire situation would blow up in our faces.

And Emily would die.

“They are.” He scanned the area then ripped something from his pocket. “This is one of the only pictures taken of Dimitri. If my sources are correct, it’s from two years ago.”

After snagging it from his hand, I took a deep breath. The goddamn resemblance was uncanny, another wave of rage breaching the surface.

“You might have your answer about lineage,” he said quietly.

“Ever hear of plastic surgery?” I memorized every line in the asshole’s face, noticing his dark eyes held the same kind of bitterness as mine. I shoved the photograph into my pocket, fisting my hand.

“I still have a bad feeling about this.” He shook his head. “A really bad feeling.”

“I know. I’m taking Emily to the house. We hit at dark. If there’s any movement, I want to know immediately.”

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