Page 13 of Guarding Her Love

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Me:It’s an awesome place to live, that’s for sure.

Quinn never texts me back, and despite the late hour, I am more wired than when I drink too much caffeine. To burn off some of my excess energy, I do a quick workout in the home gym I set up in one of my guest bedrooms.

Otherwise, I'd never be able to fall asleep. After my workout and a shower, I fall into bed, and I'm immediately immersed in dreams of ocean blue eyes and chocolate brown hair I can't wait to have my hands in.



The darkness surrounds me as I get closer to my target. The silence of the night guides me, and the stillness of the air blankets me in comfort. I do not hurry because there is no need to rush. I already know what to do and how to do it. My small purges go unnoticed but because they take more skill, my need for release is diminished.

I slip inside and make my way through the house. My anger burns bright and strong as I create chaos. It would be so easy to allow my urges to take over but I have to be smart. Do the most damage without being noticed. That's the goal and one I have succeeded in many times over.

Through my destruction, people have recognized what I'm capable of, and while they may not know my name, I've never felt more seen.

I stand in the blackness of the last room. Power coursing through me as steady and strong as my beating heart. All I do is watch, but it's enough. For now.



"But what do I say?" I whine for the umpteenth time. Hailey has been pushing me to text Cooper for the last two days, but I haven't been able to get myself to actually send him a message.

"Quinn, I might strangle you right now despite how much I love you. You can do this. It's not like you're asking him to have sex with you. Think about it like you're doing this for your art and not for yourself." She shoves another handful of popcorn into her mouth.

We're sitting on the couch watching a reality show Hailey loves. I'm not paying attention because I've been staring at the new message window for the last twenty minutes, trying to find the right words to say. I know I’m being ridiculous about this whole thing, but the man just frazzles me.

"God, I’m so pathetic,” I groan.Okay, focus. It’s not like he’s asking me on a date. He’s just helping me out. I can do this.

As I type out a message, I have so many self-doubts running through me. I'm normally a pretty confident person, albeit shy in social situations, but in this moment, texting the most beautiful man I've ever seen... oh god. He really is the most beautiful man. Why would he want to hang out with me?

No, that’s ridiculous. I am smart and brave?most of the time?and I can do anything.

Pep talk for the win, I type out what I want to say. "Okay, I typed it out. I'll read it one more time to make sure things are perfect." I look back down at my phone to read the text again but it's not in the text box anymore. "Oh no. Shit. Hailey, I sent it. I didn't even proofread it!"

"What did you say? Let me see!" she yells, sitting up and grabbing my phone out of my hands.

Me:Hi, Cooper, this is Quinn Lawson. I got my studio set up and am wondering if the offer to show me your secret spot on the lake is still good.

"Aw, you're even grammatically correct with your commas. Well done. Very light and casual."

"What if he texts back and says,sorry you took too long, idiot, I don't want to hang out with you anymore…? I don't know if I can handle the rejection."

"Oh stop. He wouldn't say that, and what's the big deal if he does say no? You and I will go to the lake together, and it'll be fine. But I don’t think he would have offered if he didn't want to hang out with you, so he's going to say yes." I feel my phone vibrate in my hand and look down, suddenly nauseated at what I’ll find.

"Ah, he texted me back! That was so fast."

Cooper:Hey, Quinn. I'd be happy to show you around the lake. How does tomorrow evening work for you?

"Tomorrow? He so wants to date you," Hailey says with a smug grin.

"He does not. I’m sure he just wants to get it off of his to-do list." I can't let myself go there. Thinking about dating Cooper is unfathomable.

"He wouldn't have texted you back so fast and would have suggested a day much later if he didn't want to date you."

"Oh, whatever. I highly doubt my awkward conversation with him would make him want to date me. He probably thinks I'm a weirdo and is just being kind."

"Well, if that's the case, then we have to plan the perfect outfit to show him you aren't a weirdo," Hailey says with a glint in her eye that screams scheming. "Should we have a movie night tonight since you'll be out tomorrow?"
