Page 24 of Guarding Her Love

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The porch light is on, but the house seems quiet. Hailey must already be in bed because most of the lights are off inside. I look over at Quinn to see she's already looking at me.

"I had a great time tonight," I say to her.

"I did too, Cooper. It was one of the best nights I've had in a long time," Quinn says with a smile. Hearing my name fall from her lips makes my blood heat. I want to hear her scream it as I'm driving deep into her.

Jesus, where did that come from?I mentally shake away my dirty thoughts before they get any more out of hand.

"Could I take you out to dinner soon? I'd like to see you again," I ask.

"Definitely." Quinn’s smile lights up her whole face.

"Great, I'll walk you to the door," I say, getting out and walking around to help her down. I hold on to her hand as we walk up the sidewalk. The evening breeze is cool but gentle, making everything feel calm and quiet. It's late, so the street is empty and still. The only light comes from the porch and a few lamps along the street.

We get to the front door and Quinn looks up at me. "Thanks for walking me to the door and for the perfect evening. I can't wait to start painting." Excitement shines in her eyes.

I want to kiss her goodnight, but I'm not sure if it would be welcome. I don't want to screw this up by moving too fast, but I also feel so comfortable with her that it just feels right.

"You're welcome. I'm excited to see what you create." My eyes drop down to her lips again. They're plump, and she has this perfect bow shape on her top lip. I look back up to her eyes and see she's looking at my lips too. I lean forward a little, hoping she picks up on my intentions before I make a fool of myself. Her eyes draw up and meet mine. "I really want to kiss you," I say quietly.

A small smile pulls at the corner of her mouth, and she nods her head. Taking that as a green light, I lean forward and brush my lips lightly against hers. I press down a little harder and take her full mouth with mine. Electricity runs through me all the way to my toes, and my body ignites like it might burst into flames.

I deepen the kiss, needing more of her. My tongue lightly traces the outside of her mouth, teasing her to open up for me. She makes the sexiest noise in the back of her throat as she lets me in. I cup the back of her head as her fists clench onto my button-down.

Her mouth is velvet soft, and I can't get enough of her. My fingers dig into her hip as I pull her closer to me so her body is pressed tightly against mine.

Our tongues duel in a sensual dance that I never want to end as Quinn meets and matches me thrust for thrust, taking and giving just as much as I am.

I know she can feel the effect this kiss is having on me, but she doesn't seem to mind because she pushes harder against me, making me groan as I feel her grind against me.

I pull back a little, not wanting to end the perfect kiss but needing to in order to breathe.

Both of my hands are tightly fisted in her hair, and her fingers are twisted in the strands on the back of my head. I lean my forehead against hers while we catch our breath. I've never experienced anything so intense in my life. What is it about this woman that makes her so different from anything I've ever had before?

"Wow," Quinn whispers, her eyes are still closed, and she seems as dazed as I feel.

"I was thinking the same thing."

I pull my head away as she opens her ocean blue eyes. Everything I'm feeling right now is reflecting back at me. It feels like she's staring deep into my soul, and I finally know for sure I'm not alone in this whirlwind of emotion. "I should go before I get too carried away with you."

Quinn grins up at me. "I don't mind being carried away."

"Good to know," I say, smiling as I lean in to kiss her again because I can't get enough of her. I try to keep this one shorter than the first, but I still end up falling far too deep.

I pull back from her before I sweep her into my arms and take her upstairs. The feeling of her body pressed up against mine will be playing in my mind until I get my hands on her again.

"Goodnight, Quinn. I'll call you tomorrow," I say as I reluctantly step back from her.

"Goodnight, Cooper," she says, turning to unlock her front door and stepping inside.

I step down off her porch once I hear the deadbolt slide closed indicating she's safe inside. I've never felt as good as I do right now. I can't wait to see her again, and I already know that no matter how many times I see her or touch her or kiss her, it will never be enough.



Did that actually happen? I lift my hand up to my mouth and touch my lips. They feel swollen and tingly and amazing. It might all be in my head, but I swear I can physically feel them tingling.

I'm standing in my entryway, leaning against my front door. I can feel how flushed my face is, and my heart is still beating insanely fast. I hear a door open down the hallway and a second later, "Quinn, are you home?"
