Page 39 of Guarding Her Love

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“More than incredible. Mind-blowing,” I say, wrapping my arms around him, enjoying his weight on top of me.

“Mind-blowing, huh?” Cooper asks, grinning as he lifts his head to look at me. I smile and take in his beautiful face. His amber eyes shine with emotion as they look back at me.


“I’ll be right back,” Cooper says, kissing me quickly and heading into the bathroom to clean up. While he’s in there, I take a mental assessment of how I’m feeling. I’m overwhelmed with the riot of emotions coursing through me, and at the same time, completely and utterly content. This is what I’ve been missing in my life, and now that I have it, I’m going to do my damnedest to never let it go.

Cooper walks out of the bathroom, and I finally get a full look at him. He is the epitome of sex on a stick, and I don’t think I’ll ever get my fill of him. The muscles in his toned chest and abdomen flex as he stalks back over to the bed. I lick my lips, worried I might be drooling, and watch Cooper’s eyes darken as he follows the path of my tongue.

“You are seriously the sexiest thing, laying in my bed right now,” he says, turning off the lamp and getting into bed. He pulls me in close to him so we’re laying on our sides face-to-face. “How are you?” Cooper asks once we’re settled.

“Forgetting about the break-in, pretty fantastic. Thank you for taking my mind off of it.”

“It was a hardship, but I’m glad I could help.”

“Hey,” I say in mock outrage.

“I’m only teasing. This has been one of the best nights I’ve had in a while.” Cooper runs his thumb across my cheekbone. His fingers slide into my hair, continuously playing with the strands. It feels heavenly as all of the exhaustion I’ve been pushing aside is catching up to me.

“Thank you for coming when I called. I don’t know what I would have done without you there.”

“I’ll always be there, no matter what,” Cooper says. We’re silent for a moment, holding on to each other as we lay in the darkness.

“You painted my eyes,” Cooper whispers, breaking the silence surrounding us.

“I was kind of hoping you’d forgotten about that,” I say, cringing.

“Not quite. Why did you paint them?” Cooper asks.

“I know it seems creepy, and I promise I didn’t set out to paint them, but after I met you, I couldn’t get them out of my head. I couldn’t getyouout of my head, so it just sort of happened.”

“I get it, actually. I couldn’t get you out of my head after the barbecue either. I had to talk myself out of going to your house a million times so I wouldn’t freak you out,” Cooper says, making me laugh. The idea of him struggling just as much as I was is hugely comforting.

“So, are we officially together?” I ask because I need to know for sure. I need to hear the words from Cooper confirming that I haven’t built all of this up in my head.

“Yes, I want you to be mine, Quinn. I’ve wanted you since the first day I met you, and I want to be yours if you’ll have me.”

“There’s never been anything I want more,” I say, leaning in to kiss him because I’ve finally found what I’ve been searching for, and it’s better than I could ever have dreamed.

Instead of the gentle, easy kiss I planned, it quickly turns passionate and frenzied. It’s like a spark ignites when we kiss, and it burns hot and wild every time. I roll over on top of Cooper, straddling him, needing more and knowing that no matter how much he gives me, it will never be enough to satiate this need.

Cooper grabs another condom from his bedside table, and I quickly roll it over him. Knowing I’m more than ready for him, I lift up and position him at my entrance, sliding down until he’s fully seated, making us both moan from the extraordinary feeling.

Working to adjust to the fullness, I slowly lift up and slide back down, rotating my hips in the process. Cooper grabs onto my hips, digging his fingers in so hard I’m pretty sure there will be marks tomorrow.

“So fucking good,” Cooper grates out as I pick up speed. He sits up to take my nipple into his mouth, sucking and biting both breasts while guiding my hips up and down his length. I feel my insides start to quiver, and I know I’m about to crest over the edge and into oblivion.

Cooper seems to notice too and reaches down to push on my clit, sending me into a screaming orgasm that also triggers his. We fall back down onto the bed, breathing heavily. My entire body is dead weight right now. I have no hope of trying to move.

“I think you sexed me into a coma,” I say to Cooper once I get much needed oxygen into my lungs. I feel his chest move as he chuckles, and his lips press against the top of my head as he kisses me. I move to look at him and, even in the darkness, I can still make out his handsome face. “In all seriousness though, it’s never felt like that before,” I say, trying to convey the impact this is having on me.

“It’s never felt like that for me either. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you. You’ve got me hooked,” Cooper says, running his hands through my hair.

“I’m just as addicted to you, so we’ll have to help each other,” I say with a smile. I roll off of Cooper so we can clean up, and as soon as we’re back in bed, he pulls me up against him so my back is to his front. My whole life I’ve only ever slept alone but the feeling of Cooper behind me makes me wish I could’ve been sleeping with him instead.


