Page 51 of Guarding Her Love

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“Speaking of sexy, Tucker James just walked in,” Lucy says, looking directly at Natalie as the rest of us look around the room to spot him. Based on where everyone is looking, I find him over by the door. He’s definitely good looking if not a little intimidating. He’s huge, somewhere close to six-five if I had to guess. He’s got a ball cap on, so I can’t quite make out his face, but his shoulders are wide and look like they might bust out of the t-shirt he’s wearing. It seems like we aren’t the only ones to notice his entrance as I look around spotting every female, and even some of the men, staring at him.

“Isn’t he like the fire chief or something?” I ask, looking back at the girls.

“He’s a captain. His uncle is the chief,” Sara says.

“Natalie could probably tell you everything you’d ever want to know,” Megan says with a teasing grin on her face.

“Did you date him?” I ask Natalie.

“God, I wish,” she responds.

“She’s been in love with him since before high school and, unfortunately, he hasn’t ever noticed, which is his loss,” Sara says, rubbing Natalie’s shoulder, giving her both comfort and encouragement. “He doesn’t date much at all, actually.”

“Is he gay?” I ask, making the girls bust out laughing. I shrug my shoulders. “Well, what else am I supposed to think if he hasn’t noticed Natalie? She’s smart as a whip and genuinely kind, not to mention completely smoking. You’re the whole package, so maybe he wants a different sort of package, which would be completely fine if that’s the case.”

Natalie smiles at me. “Thanks, Quinn. It’s not that he wants a different package. I don’t even think it has anything to do with me exactly. I think it’s more he’s not looking at anyone like that.”

“Ah, I can understand that.”

“You could always go up to him and see if he might be interested,” Lucy suggests.

“And risk the potential for rejection? Absolutely not,” Natalie says quickly. “I’ll stick with my fantasies and continue pretending we have a future.”

“You could have a future with me if you want, Natalie. Or at least for the night if you catch my drift,” a guy says from behind her. His dark hair is slicked back, and he’s got a cocky grin on his face. He reminds me a little of Peter from the firm in New York. Not in looks but in his arrogance.

“Not happening, Brad. You should just move on from our table,” Natalie replies.

“I don’t know, I’m seeing something very interesting here,” he says, his eyes roam down my body and then come back to my face. He smirks as if his assessment and obvious interest would be a turn-on for me. It takes everything in me not to roll my eyes.

“What makes you say I’m interesting?” I ask, making sure confusion is written all over my face. Naturally, he takes that as an invitation and walks closer to me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

“Babe, you’re the most interesting thing I’ve seen in a long time,” he says, squeezing my shoulder. None of the girls say anything as they watch the interaction.

“So, if I tell you I’m a lawyer and could sue you for harassing me, would that be interesting to you?” I ask with a saccharine smile on my face and a glance at his hand on my shoulder.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let’s slow down there,” Brad says, lifting his hand off my shoulder and taking a step back from me. “I’m not doing anything.”

“Hmm. I’d beg to differ. I’d also suggest you fix whatever is happening down there,” I say with a lift of my eyebrow and pointing to his open fly. “Or really, the lack of what’s happening down there.” Brad looks down and hastily does up his fly. “Your loss,” he says sullenly and turns around and walks away.

There’s a beat of silence as I turn my head and look back at the girls around the table. They’re all looking at me with wide eyes and mouths slightly agape, and then we all burst out laughing at the same time.

“That was the best thing I’ve ever witnessed,” Sara says in between bouts of giggles. None of us are able to get control of ourselves because we keep looking at each other and start all over again.

“Where did you learn to deal with guys like that? He is the smarmiest guy in town,” Lucy asks as we slowly get a hold of ourselves.

“Law school, actually. In a male-dominated field, you have to learn how to not get trampled very quickly,” I say. “I’ve never had to use my skills in a setting quite like this, but guys like that are all the same, so it wasn’t much different from a courtroom or office.”

“Brad’s face when you told him his fly was open will forever be my favorite thing,” Natalie says.

“Could you really sue him?” Megan asks

“Probably not, but he doesn’t need to know that,” I say laughing.

I feel a pair of hands land on my shoulders, and I instantly know they’re the ones that belong there. Smiling, I turn my head and see gorgeous amber eyes looking down at me. “Hi, handsome.”

“Hi there,” Cooper says, leaning down to give me a kiss. When we surface, I see Todd, Max, and Levi pulling up chairs around the table. There’s not really room, but we make it work. Instead of getting a chair for himself, Cooper lifts me up and plops me onto his lap. I raise my eyebrow at him and he just shrugs his shoulders and pulls me closer to him making me smile.

“What were you guys laughing about?” Levi asks once we’re all settled.
