Page 59 of Guarding Her Love

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Suddenly, I have an urgent need to get home and see my girl. “I need to go, Dad. Thank you, for everything.”

“Go home to your girl, Coop.”

After saying goodbye, I start the engine of my truck and head home. My dad’s words sift through my mind on repeat and, for once, I don’t feel like my mind is spinning. I have a game plan for the investigation, and I don’t feel like such an asshole for leaning on Quinn.

For the first time in over a month, it feels like I finally have a handle on things.



Holding my brush in my hand, the weight of the wood light in my grasp, I swish it onto the canvas, adding color where there was none before. Shades of orange are layered into the reds and yellows, attempting to portray a sunset that changed my life forever. I’ve been working on this painting for weeks, trying to get it right, and every brushstroke feels wrong.

The pictures I took of the lake hang next to my easel but they don’t do the evening justice, and I’m struggling to capture the moment with my paints. Taking a step back I look once more at the colors and while they look nice, they just aren’t quite meeting the mark.

I hear a muffled ringing sound and realize my phone must’ve fallen in the cushions of my reading chair. I dig around, finally finding it and answering at the last second. “Hello.”

“Hey girl, how are you?” Hailey asks on the other end.

“Oh, I’m doing okay. Having some trouble with a painting but other than that, I’m fine.”

“Are you still struggling with the sunset painting?”

“Yes, and it’s driving me crazy. I never have this much trouble.” In all of the years I’ve been painting, I’ve never taken this long to complete a project. When inspiration strikes, it usually takes me a max of a couple of days to finish.

“Hmm. Do you think it’s because all of your feelings for Cooper are wrapped up in this project, and you’re so set on it being perfect that nothing you do feels right?”

I freeze where I am and stare at the little bit of paint I’ve gotten onto the canvas. “Holy shit, Hailey, that’s it. I’m so consumed with trying to portray every emotion perfectly that nothing is coming out at all!”

“God, I love it when I’m right.” I laugh out loud and shake my head even though she can’t see it.

“Yes, yes. You’re a genius,” I say reluctantly.

“You’re damn right I am.” She laughs.

“How are you doing? How’s the new job?”

“I’m pretty good. The job is insane, and I’m sorry I haven’t called much recently. I’ve been running around like a psychopath trying to get a handle on everything. The learning curve has been a lot bigger than I thought it would be.” I’ve been worried about that. When she first started, she was so excited but talked about how the workload was crazy. Now, she sounds tired and stressed.

“Are you still happy? If this isn’t what you want anymore, I’m sure we could find you something else easily.” I ask, just to make sure.

“Yes, this is absolutely what I want. It’s just taking longer to find my rhythm than I thought it would,” she says, sounding resolute.

“Okay, but say the word, and we’ll work it out.”

“Thanks, Quinn. I promise I’m good though.”

“I miss you tons, you know?”

“I miss you too, but hearing how happy you are makes the distance worth it.” A call is beeping in, and I see it’s my mom.

“Hey, my mom is calling me. It could be about my dad, so I need to answer it. I’ll talk to you later?”

“Of course, love ya!”

“You too.” I hang up and quickly switch the call over to answer. Taking a deep breath, I say, “Hello.”

“Hi, Quinn. How are you?”
