Page 62 of Guarding Her Love

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“Hey, Levi. I wanted to check in to see how everything’s going?” I say through the phone. The sound of power tools echoes in the background as Levi and his crew work on finishing my basement.

It’s been a week since I asked Quinn to move in with me. Originally, I thought it would be a quick and easy process. Pack up some boxes and then we’re done, but that’s not how it’s gone at all. Combining two separate lives into one house is a lot more complicated than I realized.

We both agreed that my house was the best option because it has more space, but we needed to finish the basement in order to make everything work. My gym equipment is going to move downstairs so Quinn can use the space as a studio, and we’re also going to make a theatre and guest suite down there. Since Levi finished early at Paint and Paper, he’s taking the extra time to make updates for me.

I’m ready for her to move her stuff over now, and then we’ll figure everything else out afterward, and I’ve lamented on the subject repeatedly, but she won’t budge. She keeps saying we’ve got all of the time in the world, but I have this feeling of urgency to get her in my house and with me full-time.

I realize how ridiculous that sounds, and I’ve tried not to push too hard knowing that I’m being overbearing, but I need her with me, and I’m tired of waiting. I hate that I sound like a toddler not getting his way, but it’s how I feel.

“Things are good. We’re working on the bathroom now and priming the walls to paint. Should be finished up in a day or two and be out of your hair.”

“I wish we could just move everything in now and do all this later,” I say mulishly while Levi laughs at me.

“Your girl’s not going anywhere, so unknot your panties and relax. Plus, by doing this now, you won’t have to move all your shit out to do the renovations and then move it all back in. It’ll be done, and you can move forward.”

“Yeah, yeah, I hear ya. Just get it done quickly so I can lock down my girl.”

“Just put a ring on it, and you’ll be fine,” Levi says jokingly.

“That’s next, so don’t worry.”

“Seriously?” Levi asks, his tone sobering.

“Yeah seriously, she’s it, man.”

“I’m happy for you, Coop. You got lucky with Quinn. I hope you don’t do anything stupid and mess it up,” he says, laughing because even when he’s being serious, he can’t help himself from making a joke.

“You’re hilarious,” I say dryly, “but thanks.”

“I’ll keep you updated on our progress.”

“Thanks. Talk to you later.”

After we hang up, I look around my office, thinking about all of the changes that have happened. If you would’ve told me three months ago I’d not only be moving in with a woman but ready to marry her, I’d have laughed in your face. But right now, I’ve never been happier.

She’s everything I’ve ever wanted or could’ve ever dreamed of, and the best part is, I know that when things get tough?and they will because that’s life?she’ll be there to work it out. Anytime we’ve had a miscommunication or disagreement, we’ve been able to openly discuss it without anger or resentment getting in the way. It’s the same way I saw my parents interact growing up, and it’s what I’ve always wanted in a partner.

I feel like I’ve been sitting around twiddling my thumbs the last couple of days, but we’re still waiting on the reports for our Jane Doe, and no one’s come forward identifying a missing person. We got lucky with the first victim and was able to identify her quickly, so I’m hoping we’ll get lucky again.

I get through another couple of hours' worth of reports when Todd peaks his head into my office with a hopeful look, “We got something, Chief.”

I immediately jump from my desk and follow him into the bullpen. The other deputies in the room are buzzing with the knowledge that something is happening.

“Liam, tell us what you found,” Todd says.

“Okay, I was going over everything from the first murder again and nothing was jumping out at me, so I thought, what could it hurt to run the license plates of the cars that left the rest stop after the footage shows our girl going missing.

“I wasn’t able to check all of them because of camera angles and whatnot, but there were ten I could run, and I had one pop. The sedan had been reported stolen by an impound lot the morning after our first vic was killed but was then later reported as being back in the lot with no damages, so they didn’t pursue it any further.”

“Are you thinking this could be the car our perp used to transport?”

“Maybe. None of the other plates came back with anything suspicious, including driving records.”

“Okay, you and Nathan head over to the impound lot, see if you can get any more info about the incident and if they have cameras. We might see something related to our investigation they weren’t looking for. I’d also like to take a look at the footage and get an idea of when the car got to the rest stop and how long they stayed.”

“I can get on that, Chief, since I’ve watched the footage before,” Derek says. I nod my head in response.

“Great job, guys. Keep turning over stones.”
