Page 103 of Breathing Her Fire

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“Okay, let me get this straight. Some asshole broke in, handcuffed me to the bed, and then set fire to my house?”

This is crazy. Who the hell would do something like that?

“It seems so, yes,” Todd says, finally speaking up.

“Why?” The word is an almost desperate sound coming from my mouth.

“We don’t know. You don’t remember anything?” Cooper asks, his tone edging into cop mode. I know it’s because he wants to find out who did this to me.

“No, I barely remember packing with my mom. I have no idea what we packed, and then there’s nothing but blank space. When Tucker told me I’d been here a week, I couldn’t believe it.”

It’s hard to fathom being asleep for a full week while everyone around me is still living their lives and going about their business. It feels like I was packing my house up yesterday instead of several days ago. If my body wasn’t banged up, I don’t know if I’d believe what happened.

I’m glad Cooper told me about the fire. I finally understand why my skin feels weird under my bandages. The damage must be intense, and I’m incredibly grateful for pain medications right now. I can’t imagine how bad I would be feeling without them.

“So, what’s the plan? How are we going to catch this douchebag?”

Megan snorts, which makes the guys laugh. “What? We’re going to catch him, I just want to know what the plan is.”

“It’s just... you woke up from a coma yesterday and you’re already back to your normal self. It’s just nice to see,” she says, and I smile at her. “There was a time where we weren’t sure you’d be around to give us your sass, and I’ve never been more grateful for it.” I watch Megan’s eyes well up, which of course, makes me teary.

“Come here, you.” I reach my arms out to my best friend. She comes in hot with a pain-inducing hug I never want to end. It reminds me that I am alive, and while I may not remember going through the horrific events, I survived.

“What’s going on here?” my mom asks, walking into the room.

“Just doling out my sass,” I say with a wink.

“I’m glad you’re feeling your normal self, Spark.” I watch a grin stretch on Mom’s face but also see her blink away tears.

“Where’s Tucker?” she asks us.

“He hasn’t been here since I woke up about forty-five minutes ago,” I respond.

Her eyebrows furrow. “He should’ve been back by now. He said he’d be back in an hour, but it’s been closer to two and a half, now.”

“I’ll try and call him, but I’m sure he’s fine,” Cooper says, bringing his phone up to his ear.

“A nurse brought him a note earlier, before you came in the room, Mom,” I inform them, keeping my eyes on Cooper.

“He didn’t answer. What was the note?”

“I don’t know, he didn’t show it to me, but I could tell it freaked him out.”

Cooper nods his head. “I’ll go check on him. He’s probably just taking longer to shower than he thought,” Cooper says, nodding at Todd to go with him.

The look passing between them has goosebumps rising on my arm. If Cooper wasn’t worried, he wouldn’t have asked Todd to go with him, but he did. What if the guy who hurt me got to Tucker too?

I look at Mom and Megan, and neither one seems to have noticed the look, or they’re ignoring it for my sake.

I try to shake off the fear of something being horribly wrong, but I can’t. I don’t know how I’m going to sit here and wait for news from Cooper.

Mom and Megan grab my hands and try to focus my attention on their conversation, but despite their attempts, worry floats in the back of my mind. Please let Tucker be okay.
