Page 110 of Breathing Her Fire

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When Mom and I get to the end of the aisle, she kisses me and then Tucker on the cheek. Noah gives her a huge hug before she steps to the side.

“You look so pretty, Mommy,” Noah says. A collective aww moves through all of our friends.

“And you look so handsome.” I lean down to kiss his forehead.

My eyes finally find Tucker. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him look this happy as he takes my hand and leans in to kiss me.

“Not yet, son,” Jack says. He got certified online after we asked him to be the one to marry us.

“Sorry, couldn’t help it. I mean, look at her,” Tucker says, making everyone laugh.

I can’t take my eyes off Tucker, and it seems he can’t take his eyes off me either as Jack goes through the ceremony. We asked him to make it short and sweet, and after we exchange rings and “I dos”, I hear the best words in the universe.

“Now you may kiss your bride.”

Tucker leans in and kisses me with everything he has as our friends cheer. It’s most definitely a not suitable for company kiss, but as the world around me fades, I find that I don’t care in the slightest.

When we finally come up for air, Noah bounds up to us. Tucker scoops him up into his arms as we walk back down the aisle as a family.

We get a moment alone inside the hotel as our family and friends are directed into the small reception area.

“You two are my whole world. I love you both so much,” Tucker says, hugging me and Noah tight to him.

“You have any room in your world for a third little person?” I ask him.

He freezes, his eyes growing wide as he looks at me.

“Noah, what would you think about being a big brother?” I ask, keeping my eyes on Tucker.

“Are we adopting another boy?” Noah asks.

“Nope, Mommy has a baby in her belly this time.”

“Really?” Tucker asks, his voice hoarse with emotion.

I’m only able to nod my head because Tucker’s lips fall onto mine so fast I can’t get the words out.

“We’re really having a baby?” Tucker asks in awe.

“There’s a baby in there?” Noah asks incredulously, poking my stomach. I bust out laughing at the two very different reactions. “Yes, there’s a baby in there.”

“You’ve made me the happiest man in the world, Nat. Even before the baby, I felt that way, but now, I don’t even have the words.”

I just smile at him because I feel the same way. There will never be enough words to describe how happy he’s made me.

“Introducing the James family!” we hear from our DJ.

“Come on, Mrs. James. It’s time to start the next chapter of our journey.”

I grab one of Noah’s hands and Tucker grabs the other as we walk together into our happily ever after.
