Page 15 of Breathing Her Fire

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“Yes! Oh my god, so you know how shitty the elevator is, and the damn thing broke down! We had to sit in a very small space together for like an hour.”

Mom just cackles at my plight which I find pretty rude.

“Then, to make it worse, we started playing flip coin, and I had to say something embarrassing because he made it into the box. I stupidly chose to tell him I get waxed regularly. Everything went downhill from there.”

“I think we need refills for the rest of this,” Mom says, standing from her chair and grabbing both of our glasses. “You actually told him you get waxed?”

I drop my head into my hands and mumble out, “Yeah, I did. I still can’t believe it.”

She hands me my glass, and I take another long drink. “He started asking all of these questions, and suddenly he suggested he should be the one in my bed instead of the previous idiots.”

“You’re kidding!”

“Nope, he said he would be a much better choice than the others.”

Mom makes a face that says she agrees with him. “So, did you sleep with him? Way to bury the lead!”

“No! Of course, I didn’t sleep with him. The doors opened right after he said that, and I bolted as quickly as I could out of embarrassment. I haven’t heard from him since, so I don’t think he meant what he said.”

“Oh, Natalie,” she sighs. “He probably thinks his advances were unwanted and doesn’t want to make things worse. Especially if you ran away without saying anything to him.”

I grimace at her words. She might have a point. I did run away pretty quickly after he came on to me, but it had nothing to do with his offer. Not exactly anyway. I was just embarrassed about telling him something so personal and couldn’t wrap my head around the idea of him actually wanting to sleep with me.

“You should call him. Make sure he knows you weren’t running away because he asked you out.”

“Well, the thing is, he didn’t exactly ask me out. I don’t want to just have sex with him, I want to date him. What if sex is all he wants?”

“Then you’ll know for sure and can make an informed decision afterward. It’s not like you have to stop fantasizing about him if you don’t end up sleeping together.”

“I didn’t think about it like that.”

“Call him, find out what he meant, and clear the air. You might be surprised.”

We start talking about other things, but Mom’s advice rolls around in the back of my head throughout the rest of the evening. Is she right about him thinking his advances weren’t wanted? I mean, I bolted right after the doors opened. I didn’t say anything or even look at him, so I could understand why he would. He’s also a great guy who isn’t going to push a woman if she’s not interested.

Do I put myself out there and try to start a relationship with Tucker? My gut is telling me yes, and that’s all the confirmation I need.
