Page 21 of Breathing Her Fire

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“I know the biggest issue is the complete cost of the upgrade, and even I realize it’s a staggering number, so I propose, through fundraising, I cover fifty percent of the overall cost, and the council will cover the other half.”

I assess each face as they take in what I say. Most don’t seem too surprised by the cost, a couple look dismissive, which isn’t a surprise but is a little concerning. I’m going to have to close this proposal really well.

“It’s still a big chunk of money, but this investment is worth every penny because people will be more willing to come into the library if we have the resources they need and can use. Which is worth everything, in my opinion.” I pause for a second to let my words sink in. “Any questions about what I’ve proposed?”

“What costs will occur after you get the computers? You’ll have to pay for all of those programs people will be using,” Edward asks.

“If you look at page four of my proposal, I’ve laid out all of those costs, and the library already has the funds in place to pay for those programs,” I say as sweetly as I can manage. I mean, if he would’ve been paying attention, he wouldn’t have needed to ask that question.

A few of the other members ask pertinent questions for which I have answers. Like I said, I came prepared.

When I’ve answered everything, we start wrapping up the meeting. They tell me they’ll get back to me as soon as they can. Which is code for you won’t hear from us and should send a follow-up email.

Sometimes they don’t respond to my email and it requires an in-person follow-up. I’m happy to do whatever it takes to get the funding I need.

I walk out of the conference room feeling somewhat confident about the outcome of the meeting. Most of the council was engaged and interested in my proposal, which is always beneficial. I’m still slightly worried about them dismissing it altogether because of the overall cost. It’s a large sum but so worth it, and I think a good chunk of the council knows we’ve needed these for a while.

I head back to the elevator and make it to the lobby without incident. Since it’s still early, I’m going back to the library to try and get some work done before I go out with Tucker.

I may need to enlist Sara’s help to find the right outfit for tonight. Lord knows that man makes me do things I wouldn’t normally do, so a second opinion will be necessary.

* * *

This is much harderthan I thought it would be. I’ve got clothes strewn all over the place, and I still haven’t picked out an outfit. Finding a good balance between sexy and demure has become a feat of great proportions. I’m going to have to call in the big guns if I want to be ready in time.

Me: SOS!!!!!

Sara: On my way!

Lucy: Following right behind. Be there in 5!

Quinn: Megan and I are carpooling!

God, I love these girls. I look at all my options again and find the three I’m leaning towards the most. A classic little black dress, a green number that’s tight-fitting but covers everything, and a red, drop-dead sexy dress I love.

I throw my silky robe on while I wait for the girls to arrive and start browsing my shoes, trying to pick out the right ones for each dress. A few minutes later, I hear my door open followed by the chatter of my favorite people coming up the stairs.

“We’re coming in, Nat!” Sara yells.

“I’m decent.” Granted, we’ve seen each other’s bits plenty of times before, so it wouldn’t be a big deal if I wasn’t.

They all pile in through the doorway, making my small bedroom feel even smaller but filled with so much love.

Lucy waves at my robe-covered body. “I’m loving the vibe you’ve got going right now.”

“Oh, this old thing?” I say, striking a pose and making the girls laugh. They climb onto my bed while I hold up my options. “Here’s what I’m liking the most, but I can’t decide which one is best. I’m going for sexy but not slutty, ya know?”

“I think you should nix the LBD. While super functional, it’s not what we want tonight.” Sara chucks it to the floor with the other discarded clothes.

“Try the sexy red one first. Then we’ll get a measure of how sexy we want to go,” Quinn suggests.

She’s our go-to person for all things clothes. She has this knack for picking out the exact right thing to wear for everyone but herself, which we tease her about mercilessly.

I grab the red dress and shuck off my robe to put it on.

“Ow ow,” Sara catcalls.

“Damn, girl, bringing out the big guns,” Megan adds, making me laugh.
