Page 27 of Breathing Her Fire

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His cock is huge, the veins pronounced and the head swollen with need. It makes my mouth water just looking at it. I bite my lip so I don’t drool everywhere.

I sit up, stretching my arm out, reaching for it like my hand is a magnet and can’t stay away. I wrap my fingers around his length as I slide off the bed to my knees. At this point, my thoughts are no longer conscious, my body merely reacting.

I run my tongue up the underside of Tucker’s shaft, pulling a groan from him. The silky skin slides against my tongue as I explore, attempting to learn every vein and ridge. Tucker’s hands dive into my hair, gripping so hard it makes me squirm and undulate my hips.

I sink my mouth over his shaft, pulling him in as deep as I can, which isn’t very far because he’s so big. He tastes like salt and man as precum coats my tongue.

Tucker’s hands pull at my hair, guiding me to move how he likes it while his hips thrust. I moan around him, my lips vibrating as I move. I think it sends Tucker over the edge because he grabs me under my shoulders, pulling me into his arms.

He takes my mouth in a ferocious kiss I don’t even try to keep up with. He lays me back on the bed, his hips pushing against my legs to open for him and grinding down once I do. It’s all too much and not enough.

“Please, Tucker. I need more,” I cry out desperately.

“Are you safe and protected? I’m safe, and I need inside you right now, but I’ll get a condom.”

“I’m safe and protected. Please, Tucker.”

He lines the head of his cock with my entrance and thrusts into me so hard we move up the bed.

“Fuck, you feel good,” he growls into my ear. His hands slide up my arms, twining his fingers with mine, pinning them above my head.

His hips move harder and harder until I’m climbing so high I don’t even know how I’m going to survive the fall. This feeling is electric and incredibly powerful. One of his hands moves from mine to slide down my body. He grabs my hip and lifts, changing the angle to an intensity level I’ve never felt before. Suddenly, I’m exploding around him, yelling his name as he drives into me.

His hips move faster and faster until his chest is rumbling and he’s growling as he comes. It’s erotic and triggers more aftershocks from my body.

We’re both breathing hard as we come down from the high. Tucker’s weight on my body is soothing even though I can’t breathe.

He gently pulls out of me, making me shudder. I watch him walk from the bed to the bathroom to clean up. The ripple of his muscles makes me bite my lip. I scoot up the bed to get more comfortable before he comes back toward me with a washcloth in hand.

He’s beautiful and powerful, and now he’s mine. I can’t keep the grin off my face as the word mine flashes in my head over and over again.

He grins back at me as he climbs back in bed. “How are you?” he asks as he helps clean me up, throwing the cloth onto the floor when he’s done.

“Absolutely fantastic.”

“I wasn’t too rough with you? It got kind of intense there for a bit.”

“No,” I say, shaking my head. “It was perfect.”

“Good, because that was phenomenal. We’ll definitely be doing it again.”

His words send a bolt of lust through me. I shiver at the thought of another round, which is ludicrous because I was just thoroughly ravished as promised.

He cuddles up next to me, pulling me in tight to his chest as we both lay on our sides.

“I don’t think I would’ve pegged you for a snuggler.”

“I’m normally not, but I can’t seem to keep from touching you.”

His words have me grinning like a loon.

I snuggle deeper into his chest and breathe in. He smells like spicy cologne and sex. The combination seems to be an aphrodisiac for me.

“God, you smell good.” He just smiles at me and shakes his head.

I let my hands wander all over Tucker because I didn’t get to earlier. All of the planes and ridges of his body are amazing. He’s in incredible shape, even for a firefighter.

“How do you get muscles like these and keep them?”
