Page 34 of Breathing Her Fire

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“They’re talking about something,” Adam says in his typical serious tone.

Each of Sara’s brothers looks almost identical in appearance, with dark hair and bright blue eyes, but are very different in personality. Adam, the oldest, is very serious and highly logical. He likes a good joke, but you’d never be able to tell he was laughing if you didn’t know him. Matthew is next in age. He’s the most athletic of the four and still plays in a very competitive soccer league, which I find fascinating.

Then there’s Carter. He’s the quietest and the sweetest, although they all tend to compete for that spot at times.

Lastly, there’s Nolan, who’s the clown of the four of them. He loves being the center of attention, and sometimes his jokes will make me laugh out loud, but mostly, I just shake my head.

Sara sits smack dab in the middle of the four boys, and while she looks like them, her hair is a much lighter brown, and she has hazel eyes instead of blue. I don’t know how she kept up with the four of them all of these years, but she’s a saint for it.

“What is it, what is it, what is it?” Nolan chants.

“If they don’t want us to know they don't have to tell us,” Carter says.

Sara looks at me with an apology in her eyes. “Natalie has a boyfriend.”

“Sara!” I smack her in the arm. “Why would you tell them?”

“Well, they were going to find out sooner or later, and it’s better they know now.” She shrugs.

“Who the fuck are you dating?” Matthew asks, his eyebrows all furrowed, and I roll my eyes at his caveman behavior.

“Yeah, who is it? Do we know him?” Nolan jumps in.

“It’s Tucker James. You guys know him, we all went to school together,” Sara supplies.

“Oh yeah, I know him. He’s the jacked-up firefighter, right?” Nolan asks.

“Yep,” Sara confirms. I just sit back and let them talk. There’s no point in interjecting now. The information is out there, and they’re going to be their crazy selves.

“I think we could take him,” Nolan says.

“Dude, he’s like six-five, there’s no way,” Adam says.

“Psh, whatever.” Nolan shrugs.

“Okay, let’s move on now,” I suggest to keep this from turning into a bigger deal than it needs to be.

“Is he kind to you?” Carter asks, making me smile.

“Yeah, he is.” I think about Tucker and all of the ways he takes care of me. The meals he makes are amazing, and he refuses to let me help. Although, I’d bet it’s more about saving our dinner and less about him taking care of me. I mean, sure, I don’t know how to do much, but I can do... something.

Okay…that’s a lie. I can’t do anything. It's safer for everyone if I don’t cook.

“Good. If he’s not, you tell us,” Matthew says with a very serious look.

“Thanks, but I probably won’t.”

“Why the hell not? We’d protect you.” Nolan looks at me like a hurt puppy which makes me feel bad but want to laugh at the same time.

“I know, Nolan, but I don’t need you to protect me. I got this covered.” I pat him on the shoulder to make him feel better.

“Yes, you do, but we’re still here,” Adam says as any big brother would. Warmth and love flood me as I take in these guys. They didn’t have to adopt me as a sister, but they did anyway and have shown time and again they have my back.

After my dad died, I was at Sara’s house a lot, making me feel like even more a part of their family. Growing up as an extra sibling made the hole in my heart where my dad is missing feel just a little smaller.

I don’t know how they do it, but I’m incredibly grateful.

“Okay, time to eat, hoodlums!” Cindy yells from the dining room.
