Page 37 of Breathing Her Fire

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The building stands as a shadow against the night sky. It’s inky form imposing and intimidating, dissuading any who would attempt to breach its walls. It is yet another form that underestimates the power I wield, but it will learn what I am capable of, and so will the others.

They’ve continued to push me aside, believing themselves superior, and belittling me to show their dominance. For too long I’ve been forced to stand on the sidelines. Forced to let someone else make the decisions for me. It will no longer be tolerated. I will show them the consequences of their actions.

Tonight, the flame has no choice but to bloom into the darkness. I am the one deciding the building’s fate. I am the master of the flame. Striking the match, I watch it start in its infancy, slowly growing into the all-powerful entity it will become. It’s magnificent in the most simplistic way.

The building is no longer in shadow, its walls penetrable and weak.

I refuse to be ignored and made small. I will rise out of the ashes, proving once and for all that I hold the power.
