Page 51 of Breathing Her Fire

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Suddenly I feel a presence behind me and instantly relax into the amazingly perceptive man I love. Tucker looms over my shoulder, menacing and intimidating, making Patrick’s eyes widen.

“You okay, love?” Tucker asks into my ear.

I look up at him and am met with eyes full of concern while anger swirls in the background.

I smile at him and nod my head. I turn to look back at Patrick, but he’s no longer standing in front of me. The tension in my shoulders dissipates as I relax even further into Tucker.

“Thank you for coming to my rescue.”

“Always. Who was he? I could tell he made you uncomfortable.”

“Patrick Dunmore. He’s a bigwig in Greensboro and donates huge amounts of money to the library every year. He makes me incredibly uncomfortable, but I have to put up with him because he’s a generous donor.”

“Hmm. Well, with how fast he scrambled away from us, I don’t think he’ll be a problem anymore.”

“Yeah, your mean-mug is scary as hell.”

Tucker laughs and puts his arm around my shoulders. Enjoying the embrace, I snuggle deeper into him. Emily jumps onto the stage to announce dinner will be served momentarily then asks everyone to find their seats.

Unfortunately for us, we have to sit with some of the bigger donors instead of our friends, but we’ll get to hang out with them the rest of the evening. I’m mostly done mingling at this point, thank god.

I’m incredibly proud that everything is going off without a hitch. Hopefully, it continues. We need everything to be perfect if we’re going to hit our donation goals.
