Page 75 of Breathing Her Fire

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“How’s Francis feeling?” I ask my mom as the sound of sizzling food filters into the living room. Tucker is in the kitchen cooking us dinner and insisted we relax on Mom’s couch while he slaves away in there. God, I love that man.

“He’s much better. We were worried his cold would turn into pneumonia, but it didn’t, thank God,” Mom responds, taking a drink of her mojito.

“If he’s up for it, I’ll come by and see him then. I didn’t want to add my germs to the mix.”

“He didn’t have many visitors because we worried about him getting worse, so he would love it if you did.”

I make a mental note to go see him next week before Quinn and Cooper’s wedding activities start. I can’t believe they’re getting married in just a couple of weeks.

Quinn has been texting us a running tally of how many times Cooper has asked if they’re married yet. Her most recent count was seventy-eight.

“What have you been up to?” I ask Mom.

“I went on a date the other day.”

I gasp. “You did? Why the hell didn’t you tell me sooner?”

Mom just laughs. “Because I wasn’t sure if I was going to like this guy or not, thank you.”

“Who is it?”

“His name is Rodney. He’s actually one of the firefighters who work with Tucker,” she says shyly, like I’m going to be mad or something.

“Wait, for real? He works with Tucker? Do we like him? I’ve never met him before.”

“Yes, we like him a lot, but he’s a little younger than I am.”

“How young are we talking? Twenties? Thirties?” I wiggle my eyebrows at her.

“Oh, stop it!” She smacks me in the arm. “He’s six years younger than me.”

“Hmm... disappointing,” I deadpan, but can’t keep my giggle inside. She glares at me, but I can see a smile pulling at her lips. “Does he make you happy?” I ask more seriously.

“We’ve only been on a few dates so far, but yeah, he does. I really like him.”

“This is great, Mom. How did you meet?”

“At the grocery store of all places.” She laughs and the look in her eyes tells me she likes him a lot more than I think even she realizes.

“Ladies, your dinner is served,” Tucker says, coming around the corner. I grin because he’s still wearing the green frilly apron my mom keeps in her kitchen. I can understand why, though. He has a fancy button-down shirt on and grey slacks that highlight his amazing butt.

I have no idea why he’s all dressed up, but he’s sexy as hell, so I’m not complaining.

He holds his arms out for Mom and me, leading us into the kitchen and to the small round table in Mom’s eating area. Plates, already on the table, are piled high with fettuccine alfredo, my favorite, and flowers sit in a vase in the middle. There are candles lit everywhere as well. I’m impressed with the fancy display he’s put together.

“This looks great, Tucker, thank you for spoiling us tonight,” Mom says.

“You’re my favorite girls, of course, I’m going to spoil you.” Tucker winks at me.

We sit down and start eating the delicious meal. There’s even garlic bread on the table.

“Oh! I’m getting the rest of the new computers in a few days!” It only took a couple of weeks for the council to get me the funds I needed, and I was able to place the order soon after. “I can’t believe Edward didn’t create more roadblocks for me to have to jump over before I got them.”

“Edward who?” my mom asks with a weird look on her face.

“Edward Leahy. He’s been on the council almost the whole time I’ve been director and has made my life a living hell trying to get anything approved.”
