Page 83 of Breathing Her Fire

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Ipull up to the scene of the fire in complete disbelief. The lights on the engine and ambo are throwing red and blue across the night sky while the headlights are spotlighting what’s left of the trailer.

It’s completely leveled, and I can hardly wrap my head around what’s happened.

I walk up to Uncle Jack, questions swirling in my mind, but I have no clue where to start.

“What the hell happened?” I finally choke out.

“We’re not sure yet. All we know is once the fire started, it got out of hand quickly. The materials the trailer was made out of weren’t up to code and were like an accelerant of their own.”

“Jesus. I don’t… I’m not sure…” I can’t even finish my thought. How am I supposed to feel about the man who abused me dying in a fire? It seems too poetic at this point.

I wish I would’ve taken Natalie up on her coming with me. I told her to just go home because I didn’t think it was safe for her to come here.

At the time, I wasn’t sure what I’d be walking into, and I didn’t want her to be in danger, but being here without her feels wrong.

“Do we know why he was still in the house? Why didn’t he get out?” I ask.

“We don’t know, but there is a good chance he was passed out drunk and the fire got too big too quickly.”

I run my hands through my hair, still not sure what to do. I hear a car pull in behind us, and the back door opens as someone gets out. When I see a flash of red hair, everything in me seems to calm down. Just knowing she’s here helps drain the tension.

Natalie walks up to me as Cooper’s SUV drives away.

“I couldn’t stay away.” Her eyes hold both love and stubbornness, and I wrap my arms around her, pulling her close to breathe in her familiar scent of flowers and honey.

“I’m really glad you’re here,” I whisper into her hair.

“You’re not mad?” I shake my head no, and her arms squeeze tighter around my waist. I look up and see Jack standing next to us. I kind of forgot he was still here.

“Uncle Jack, this is Natalie. Natalie, this is Jack.” I drop one of my arms so Natalie and Jack can shake hands, but I keep the other around her shoulders.

“It’s nice to meet you, Natalie,” Jack says with a tight-lipped smile. “Just wish it was under different circumstances.”

“Same,” Natalie responds. “What happens next? Is there anything we need to do now?”

I’m glad she’s thinking clearly right now because I should’ve asked that but was too caught up in my head.

“No, there's nothing you need to do right now. The medical examiner took the remains to the morgue, and we’ll have analysts go through the scene and figure out how it happened.”

“He probably set it himself with a cigarette. The place was filthy,” I say, thinking about the last time I was there. It was disgusting. I wouldn’t be surprised if the nasty carpet caught fire from the ash of his cigarette.

“We’ll have some answers in a week or so. Until then, we might want to make some plans for a funeral.”

“Not needed. Just cremate whatever remains are left and call it done.” He doesn’t deserve a funeral. It’s not like anyone would come anyway. Uncle Jack and I would be the only people in attendance.

“How about we make all of those decisions when it’s not two AM,” Natalie says. I doubt my answers will change, but I love that she’s not letting me make decisions in the heat of the moment.

I just nod my head instead of saying anything and look back at Uncle Jack. His jaw is set in both anger and sadness. In all of the fog of my head, I forgot he lost a brother tonight, even though they were never very close. “Do you need me for anything?” I ask him. I want to get out of there but don’t want to leave him if he needs me.

“No, I think we’re about done here. I’ll reach out when we have some more information.”

“Sounds good.” Grabbing Natalie’s hand, I lead her over to my truck and help her inside.

We drive back to my house in silence. I never imagined the night would end like this. I have friends now, and my dad still manages to ruin a good night.

I guess he can’t ruin anything anymore.
