Page 94 of Breathing Her Fire

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Abeeping noise wakes me from sleep, and I groan as I roll over in my cot. I glance at the clock and see it’s almost three in the morning. I rub my eyes, trying to figure out what woke me when I hear the beep again.

I realize it’s my phone, and I pick it up from my desk. Who the heck would be messaging me in the middle of the night?

My stomach drops at the sight of a missed call from Natalie. My gut tightens as I try to call her back, but deep inside, I know she’s not going to answer. I listen to it ring and ring until her voicemail picks up. Her sweet voice floats over the phone asking me to leave a message, but I hang up instead.

The dispatcher call comes over the station’s speakers, draining every ounce of blood from me. I wait for it, knowing what’s coming.

“Engine 15, Truck 20, Ambo 6, house fire at 3715 Tilley Lane.”

I throw on my clothes and run out to the engine bay, my guys already there putting on their gear.

“It’s Natalie,” I say, panic lacing my voice. My guys whip around at my words. I’m sure the panic on my face is telling them everything they need to know.

Rodney grabs my shoulder in a forceful grip. “She’s going to need you, Cap, so you’ve gotta keep it together.”

I nod at him, jumping into the ready truck. Daniel speeds out of the bay with his normal finesse, and it takes everything in me not to yell at him to go faster.

The glow of the fire shines so brightly, we can see it before we even turn onto Natalie’s street.

“Jesus Christ,” someone says behind me. I’m too focused on the house that’s up in flames to figure out who.

Daniel parks the engine next to Truck 20, the chief’s SUV already parked. There’s already a flurry of activity outside as teams get ready to fight the blaze. I jump out of the truck and run over to the chief to get an update.

“Where is she?” I ask.

“I don’t know, son. No one has come out yet, and the neighbors are the ones who called it in.”

I stare at her small house, the flames flickering into the night sky, and do my best to pull myself together. She needs me to be strong. I’m not going to let anyone else go in there and save her.

I walk away from the chief and grab my gear to get ready to go into the house.

“Tucker, I can’t let you go in there,” Uncle Jack says, trying to keep me from putting on my mask.

“I can’t leave her in there. I have to make sure she’s okay, and I know every inch of her house.”

Jack looks at me for a minute and just nods his head in understanding. I finish putting my gear on and see Sam and Brody doing the same.

“We’re with you, Cap,” Sam says.

“No, you guys need to stay out here. The blaze is too intense for you to go in with me. It wouldn’t be safe.”

“And you’ll need backup when you’re in there. We’re not going to let you do this alone. We’re with you, brother,” Sam reasons. I take in both of them, their faces hard with determination.

They’d willingly put their lives on the line to help get my girl back. The emotions start to well up in my chest, but I clear my throat to keep them down. I nod my head at Sam in thanks because I can’t get the words out right now.

We walk up to the front door and Brody smashes it in. As soon as the door opens, a blast throws the three of us back down the steps. Despite the inferno, I head back up the steps and into the house. Everything around me is ablaze. There’s shit everywhere, and the heat is so oppressive it almost takes my breath away.

I make my way through the flames, checking high and low, hoping with everything I have she’s on the main floor.

“Natalie!” I yell, needing her to call out to me. I search the kitchen and the dining room but don’t see her, and despite the flaming boxes in my way, I start for the stairs.

“Cap, you can’t go any further. You’re going to end up dead before you can even get to her,” Sam says over the comms. I know he’s right, but my brain isn’t able to rationalize those thoughts. Instead, I push through the blaze, working to get to the stairs.

I feel a hand on my shoulder pulling at my coat to get me to turn around, but I keep walking anyway.

Before I can make it to the first step, a blast comes from the hallway blowing me backward into Sam and Brody.
