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“Just fine.”

Silence ensues. I have no idea what I’m supposed to say at this point. Usually, our conversations involve a lot more snark, followed by grins when we know we’re being sassy. It’s been kind of fun, actually, but these pleasantries are weird, even if we’ve been building a truce. The only time we’re nice to each other is when we’re at the dog park, letting the dogs play together. It’s hard to be sassy while watching the three of them wrestle.

“Sara, your order’s ready.”

Thank fuck. I stand to pay for my food, then grab the plastic bag when I’m done. “See ya tomorrow,” I say to Ben. He catches my gaze, freezing me in my spot. Those blue eyes hold so many emotions, I feel as if I’m swimming in them. His nod pulls me from the moment, and I step out the door. That was weird. I don’t even know how to interpret the look he gave me. It was as if he wanted to say a million things but wasn’t able to get any of them out. What could he have wanted to say?

That he wants to see you naked as much as you do him.

I roll my eyes at my stupid thoughts. That would be the worst idea ever.

As I unlock my car, hands are suddenly wrapped around me. One is barred across my chest, pinning my arms to my sides; the other wraps around my mouth, keeping me from screaming out. I struggle against the person restraining me, kicking my feet into their shins. My heart is pumping hard as my fight-or-flight response floods through my system.

I grew up wrestling with my brothers. I figured I was pretty good at getting out of holds, but this is something bigger. Something more. It’s as if my feet are feathers for all the damage my kicks are doing to the person holding me. They’re huge against my back, my small frame dwarfed by this guy. He’s at least twice the size of me. I don’t stand a chance.

We move across the parking lot, my breathing rapidly increasing as I continue to fight against the hold without any success.

I’m going to be kidnapped.

Tears stream down my face as fear crashes through my system. I can’t break his hold. No matter how hard I try. I don’t know what to do. If I stop fighting, he’s going to win, but nothing I’m doing is working. I can’t let him take me. But the fight I started with is diminishing with every step he takes across the parking lot.

“Hey!” someone yells.

“Please help me!” I scream, but with the man’s hand across my mouth, only muffled sounds escape. I can’t breathe. There’s not enough air coming into my lungs, and I’m going to pass out soon. Then this asshole will be able to do whatever he wants with me. I won’t be able to fight against him if I’m unconscious.

The kidnapper darts across the parking lot toward a car parked in the back, covered in shadows. If he gets me in that car, it’ll be over for me. I start fighting as hard as can, bucking against his hold on me. I go nowhere, completely ensnared in the beefy arms of my attacker.

“Shhhh. Don’t be scared,” he whispers in my ear. “You’re safe with me now. I’m going to keep you forever.”

Bile rises in my throat. This can’t be happening to me. This sick freak is going to get away with this, and there’s not a goddamn thing I can do to fight him off. He’s too big. Too strong.

Then he grunts, his hold loosening on me. I buck my body in an attempt to make him drop me further. It works, allowing me to fall to the ground. Another grunt comes from the man before arms grab me, pulling me away from him. I fight against them, still afraid he’s going to take me. The hands on my arms let go immediately. My gaze flies around me, trying to take in the next threat.

When it lands on Ben, I freeze. He’s glaring at a dark figure racing across the parking lot, disappearing into the surrounding trees behind La Mensa, no longer visible in the evening light.

What the fuck just happened to me?

“Are you okay?”

I look back at Ben, unsure of how to answer that question.

Am I okay?I take stock of how I feel. My chest and arms are sore from the tight hold the attacker had on me, my lungs are burning from not bringing in a full breath, and my mouth feels cut from my teeth grinding into my lips. Does any of that qualify as being okay? I’m not direly injured so…

“Um, yeah. I think so. He didn’t hit me or anything. My arms will probably be a little sore.” My gaze keeps scanning the parking lot, unable to focus on any one thing. My heart is racing as if I’m still in the throes of the attack while my chest heaves. Catching my breath feels like a monumental task. I’ve never been so scared in my life.

I was almost kidnapped.

Someone tried to take me from the parking lot of my favorite restaurant, and I couldn’t stop them. Is there something I should be doing right now? All I can focus on is trying to get my breathing back to normal. This is too much.

I go to brush my hair out of my face, but my hands are shaking too badly. Dropping them back to my side, I clench my fists to try and stop the tremor. It feels as if every emotion inside me is going to spill out onto the pavement, leaving me broken in a million pieces, scattered across the ground.

I have to start shoring up my defenses, focus on anything but the swirling chaos threatening to break loose.

“I don’t even…that was…” Ben runs his shaking hands through his hair.

My thoughts swirl, moving so fast I can’t seem to land on one at a time. What time is it? It feels like days have passed since I walked out of La Mensa. My food is splashed across the pavement. I guess I won’t be having dinner tonight. It’s hot outside. The summer evening air feels thicker than usual. I wonder if it’s going to rain.

“We need to call the police.” Ben starts to pat his pockets, then pulls out his cell phone. Panic begins to move through me at the thought of talking to anyone about what happened. I can’t even wrap my head around the fact that it happened at all, let alone try to explain it to someone else.
