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While Sara is in the kitchen, I squat down in front of the dogs, holding my hand out palm up, allowing them to come to me if they’re interested. Koda gives me a sniff, then nudges Luna, almost as if telling her I’m okay. She nuzzles her head into my hand after giving it a thorough sniff. I laugh as she keeps nosing me, enjoying the pets I’m doling out. Koda decides to get in on the action, nosing my other hand until I have to sit down so I don’t fall over.

“You should feel special. Koda doesn’t tend to like men. He was in a fighting ring, which is how he lost his ear. He doesn’t even like my brothers much, but he knows they’re family, so he tolerates them. Luna usually takes direction from Koda, but is a lot friendlier.”

I stand from the floor and walk toward Sara, who’s holding out a glass with amber liquid in it. “Thanks.”

“I should be the one thanking you.” Her voice goes quiet. I can almost see the images flashing behind her eyes. I wish I could take the whole nightmare from her.

“I’m just glad I got there in time.”

“I dropped my breadsticks.” Her eyes meet mine as tears well in them. “I really wanted breadsticks tonight.”

And then she breaks.

I drop my glass on the end table next to her couch and scoop her up into my arms. With one arm wrapped around her knees and the other around her back, I sit down on the couch, placing her in my lap. Her knees are tucked into her chest, while her arms are wrapped around my shoulders as she clings to me. Her sobs echo across the room as all the night's events finally hit her.

I gently rub her back as her tears drip onto my shirt. I feel so helpless right now. There’s not a goddamn thing I can do to make this better for her except make sure she knows she’s not alone. She won’t ever be alone when she needs to break down. I’ll make sure of it.

As her tears slow and her sobs turn into shuddering breaths, I squeeze her tighter so that she knows she’s still safe here in my arms. We don’t say anything; even when her tears have dried up, we just sit with each other. Then Sara’s breathing slows, evening out until I know she’s asleep.

Without even thinking, I press my lips to her head. I don’t know why I felt the urge to do it. I know next to nothing about this woman, but having her in my lap feels so incredibly right; it’s as if she was always supposed to be here. Even with the emotional toll tonight took, I’ve never wanted to stay in one place more than I do right now.

I stand with Sara in my arms, carrying her to the first door I come to. When I look down, Koda is standing next to the third closed door. I walk toward it, opening it with the hand under Sara’s knees. This one must be Sara’s room based on the half-open drawers of her dresser and the clothes scattered on the floor.

“Thanks, buddy,” I say to Koda before walking into Sara’s room and placing her down on the bed. I move the comforter back, then take off Sara’s shoes and socks. After covering her with the blanket, I step back into the living room.

I don’t feel comfortable leaving her alone tonight. Plus, she doesn’t have her car here. I don’t want her to be stranded if something happens.

“What are the odds this is a guest bedroom?” I ask Koda, who's looking at me like he’s not sure what I’m going to do next. I’m not sure what I’m going to do next either, but something is telling me not to leave her alone.

When I open the door to the second bedroom, I sigh. All that’s in here is gym equipment, and while I’m happy to know another tidbit about Sara, it means I’m in for a night on the couch.

After checking the closet for an extra pillow, I sneak back into Sara’s room to take one from her bed. She looks peaceful as she sleeps, and I hope it stays that way. I guess that can be my reason for staying. To be here if she has a nightmare instead of the ludicrous one in my head saying I just want to be close to her.

I make up my bed on the couch, settling in for a long night. The black cat jumps onto my stomach, curling herself into a ball while Luna and Koda nose my arm. I give them all pets before finding a comfortable position to sleep in. I have no idea what the morning will bring or if Sara is going to be pissed I’m still here, but I can’t leave her. I’ll happily take the consequences of my actions, knowing I will be here if she needs me.




This is wrong!

She was supposed to be mine. I had her beautiful body in my arms, willingly coming with me. She smelled so good. Like sunshine and happiness. I’d never been so close to her before. I couldn’t ever risk it. And the minute I finally had her, some guy ruined it. I was so close to having her forever.

My fist flies through the air, punching into the bark of the tree next to me.

Everything is ruined now. The plan was supposed to start with her by my side. Now, I have to find a new way to get to her. She’s going to be on edge now that she knows how much I want her. Maybe I can use that. Prove to her that my love is real. That it’s everything she’ll ever need.

I stare through the back windows of her house, wishing I could be the one to take care of her tonight.

Except someone else is with her. The man who ruined everything. Why is he there? She doesn’t even like him. She loves me! She showed me when she accepted all the gifts I’ve left for her.

No! No! No!

She’s crying. Why is she crying? And he’s touching her! This is too much.

I should be drying her tears, making her feel better. I’m the one who loves her. Not him.
