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“So, you’ve got decent coordination in your feet, but you’re not going to be as quick with your hands,” Dax muses. “I’d like to do a combination of mixed martial arts and jiu-jitsu. The MMA will help with your punches and kicks, giving you the skills to fight if needed. The jiu-jitsu will help if you get into a position where hand to hand isn’t an option.”

I nod, unable to fully get my words out through my nerves. Then Dax starts walking me through the moves. The minute I start using my body as a weapon, a sense of empowerment washes over me. It’s as if every insecurity I felt before walking into the gym has melted away with the first punch I threw. Every movement feels as natural as breathing, and I pick the moves up quickly enough that Dax has me start a few more complex combinations.

“Harder. If you keep punching as if it doesn’t matter, you’ll fail the moment it does.”

A growl tears through my chest as I push through my exhaustion to make each punch land with a pop. I push and push until my body physically can’t move anymore.

“That’s it. One more, Sara. Prove to me this asshole won’t be able to touch you again,” Dax murmurs so only I can hear. I dig down deep into my gut for one last burst of energy. The echo of my would-be kidnapper’s arms around my body pushes me to throw the combo harder than ever before. The snap of my punch against the blocker rings across the warehouse.

It’s only then, as I pant in the middle of the ring, that I realize the crowd of weightlifters have surrounded the outside edge, watching me train with Dax.

“Train her up a bit more, Dax, and you could have a prizefighter on your hands,” someone says from the crowd. I search the unfamiliar faces until my gaze lands on the blue eyes I’ve come to count on. Pride is glowing in them as well as a heat I recognize in myself. I’m not sure what we’re doing, or if this is anything more than friendship, but I do know that without his strength, I wouldn’t have been able to stand up tall this week.

“You’ve got a talent for this,” Dax says to me as I unwrap my taped hands.

“Thanks. Something clicked, I guess. I also have four brothers, so fighting is in my nature.” I grin at him.

“You have four brothers?” Ben asks, stepping up next to me. He’s standing close, his arm brushing against mine. I have to tamp down the need to wrap my arm around his waist.

“Yeah, I sit smack dab in the middle. Adam and Matthew are the ones who got me started in sports. Playing against them made me a much better athlete.”

“Your brothers are Adam and Matthew Ellis?” Dax and Ben say almost simultaneously.

“Yeah, why?”

“No wonder you’ve got such an innate talent,” Dax says, awe in his voice.

“I should’ve put it together before now. How did I not realize they’re your brothers?” Ben muses. I’m not sure who to respond to or if either of them is even talking to me, so I just stand there.

“Sara! I didn’t know you trained here.” Tucker James strides across the floor, a smile lighting up his face. He picks me up in a bear hug that makes me laugh. He used to be so reserved before Natalie. Now, he’s become like another brother to me, and he treats me like a sibling, too.

“I just started.” I glance over to find Ben frowning at me. I can’t tell if he’s upset or confused. I quickly do introductions just in case he doesn’t know who this is. “Tucker, have you met Ben Crawford? He took over the animal clinic for his dad.”

“Ben Crawford. It’s been a long time, man.” Tucker sticks his hand out to greet Ben.

“Yeah, it has.”

“It’s good to see you again. You settling in okay?”

“I’m getting there. Levi is fixing up a house for me, so once that’s done, I’ll feel a little more settled.”

“We need to get together. I’m sure the guys would like to see you again.”

“Sure, I’d love that.”

After exchanging phone numbers, the two of them chat for a while longer, catching up on what’s been going on in their lives. It’s nice to see Ben making friends here.

He told me last night that he’s still struggling with having to move back to Sonoma. I can only imagine what it would be like going from Greensboro to our small-town community. It would be a difficult transition for anyone. Add in the fact that Ben wasn’t super happy with taking over the clinic, and you’ve got a recipe for disaster.

“Well, I gotta get home. It was good to see you guys. I’ll see you at family dinner next week, Sara.”

“Bye, Tucker.” He quickly pats me on the shoulder, then leaves the gym.

“Shall we go?” I ask Ben, turning to grab my gym bag from the floor.

He stares at me for a moment, then nods his head. “Sure.”

We drive back to my house in silence. I’m lost in my thoughts about how the training went today. I need to get on Dax’s schedule to start doing that regularly. I’ve never felt so strong or capable. To have that training at the ready anytime I need it will relieve a lot of the worry I’ve been holding on to.
