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“Neither one of their teams is good,” Levi whispers to me. “The high school team usually wins every year because all of the coaches make the team practice.”

I grin at his admission. “But you still let them talk smack.”

“Fuck yeah, I do. It’s the only time they aren’t tearing me a new one.” He laughs. “Being the youngest sucks.”

Levi glances into the living room to check on Hope. He’s been doing that every few minutes since we got here. This time, he crutches over to her, his leg in a cast to his thigh. I don’t know all the details about the attack on him and Hope, but it sounds like Hope’s ex attacked Levi, then kidnapped Hope. The whole mess ended with both of them in the hospital for a few days, and they are only recently recovering from the whole ordeal. I’m surprised they’re here at all today.

Although, if I were laid up like they are, getting out of the house would be a necessity.

“You settling in okay?” Cooper asks. “Levi said your house will be done in another month.” His brown eyes are almost a honey color and looking at me more seriously than I expected.

“I am. Sara’s made the transition a lot easier, if I’m honest.”

“And you’re sticking around for good?”

I smile at Cooper. “I’m in it for the long haul.”

I’m glad Sara has people in her life who are looking out for her. I know her brothers are going to give me the third degree one day, but it’s nice to see her friends have her back, too.

Cooper nods his head, a smile pulling at the corner of his lips. “Good deal. We’re happy you’re here. And with her. She deserves to have someone in her life that’s going to put her first.”

“I’d be an idiot not to.”

“We’re all idiots, but we try our damndest not to be.” He laughs.

“Hey, guys.” Sara walks up to us, holding out a beer for me. She has another one in her hand for herself.

“Hi.” I wrap my arm around her shoulders. “Thanks for this.” Leaning in, I kiss her quickly before pulling away. She beams at me, her hazel eyes lighting up brighter than I’ve seen them in a while. I think this outing was good for both of us.

“Did you get food? Tucker made a ton of stuff.”

“Yeah, I’m good. Anything exciting happening over there with the girls?”

“Mostly just them teasing me for bringing a guy around for the first time.”

I quirk my eyebrow at her. “I’m the first?” The idea of being the only guy to make it into the inner circle makes me oddly happy.

“Shit, that ego of yours just grew three sizes. I don’t think your head will fit through the door anymore.”

I throw my head back, laughing at Sara’s sass. It always comes when I’m not ready for it, and I can never control my reaction. It drives me crazy despite how much I love it.

“Do I need to keep that sassy mouth of yours busy again?”

“Maybe.” She grins.

I lean in to kiss her, unable to help myself. “You’re going to be the death of me. I swear.”

We hang out at the party for a while, eating and celebrating being together. I haven’t, for a moment, felt like an outsider without a clue as to what’s going on. They’ve explained inside jokes and stories to me countless times, letting me be a part of every taunt they throw. I’ve even been on the receiving end of their teasing, which, oddly enough, makes me feel even more like a part of the group.

I’m grateful they’ve accepted me into the group because I have a feeling these people are going to come to mean a lot to me.

“You ready to go, Shortcake?” I ask Sara, wrapping my arm around her shoulders. It’s starting to get late, and, in all honesty, I’m missing our pups.

“Yeah, I want to go home and see my babies.” Sara smiles up at me, her hazel eyes happy.

“I was just thinking the same thing.”

Our goodbyes take a solid half-hour to get through before we finally make it out the door. Holding Sara’s hand on the drive home, I’m hit with a sudden burst of happiness. This is what life is supposed to be like. Spending time with people who add value to your life instead of people who only want to be seen with you. This is what I’ve been missing.
