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Dad’s eyebrows wing up. “Uh, well, she started at the clinic a few years ago. Pretty shy at first, but she and Sara became good buddies. Seemed like a nice enough girl. Was she the one stealing?”

“We think so, yeah,” I answer. I probably wasn’t supposed share that, but at this point, we need every bit of information we can get.

“Huh. Never would have thought she could do something like that. I guess it just proves you never really know anyone as well as you think you do.”

“Was she pretty open with her history? Her past?”

Dad looks down at the floor. “You know, now that you mention it, I don’t think I knew a single thing about her besides her employment history. I don’t even know if she has any family.”

“That’s not a surprise. She was probably really good at making it seem like she gave you a lot of information, but in the end, she gave you nothing of substance,” Cooper explains.

“That’s exactly what she did. We chatted all the time, but it was usually about things happening in the town or random chit chat, nothing of consequence.”

“If she’s the mastermind behind Sara’s kidnapping, I’d wager to bet she’s a sociopath in need of complete control over her environment. How that factors into why she’d take Sara, I have no idea.” Cooper’s cell phone starts ringing, interrupting his musings. He answers it, his persona morphing into police chief within a heartbeat.

“Send me the address,” Cooper says, hanging up the phone. “We’ve got an address for Michelle. Some beat-up farm out on Highway 17.” Cooper slips his phone back in his pocket, giving me a serious look. “I can’t let you come with me, Ben. It would go against protocol.”

My teeth clench. I know Cooper’s just doing his job and not trying to be an asshole. It doesn’t make it any easier. “I understand. Bring my girl home. Please.”

Cooper nods, then leaves the office.

“Do you think Sara’s there?” Adam asks, taking Cooper’s now-vacated chair.

“I fucking hope so. I’m not sure how much longer I can take the waiting.”

Dad’s hand on my shoulder is a balm for my nerves. “She’s a fighter, son. She’ll come back to us.”

In the quiet moment, an idea pops into my head, and I grab my phone to dial the number.

“Hello,” Dax answers.

“Hey, man. I have a big favor to ask.”

“Ooookay,” he drawls, hesitancy clear in his voice.

“Long story short, Sara was kidnapped by her stalker, and we think Michelle Graves, one of my vet techs, had something to do with it. Is there any chance you know someone who could get us information on her? I’m dying here. I can’t wait for Cooper to come back with an update.”

“Jesus. I’m sorry, Ben. Let me…I’ve got a buddy I can reach out to; just send me everything you know about her.”

“Thanks, Dax.” I hang up the phone and look back at Adam. “Dax was a Navy SEAL before he came to Sonoma. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask.”

“Good thinking. Let’s hope he can find something quick before we both lose our minds.”

For the next ten minutes, Adam, Dad, and I sit in silence, hoping Dax can get back to us soon. I wish I knew more about Dax to know if this is going to pan out or if it’s going to end in disappointment. I can’t even think about what Cooper’s doing right now.

The sound of my ringtone breaks the tension mounting in the office.

“Anything?” I ask Dax when I answer.

“Just an address so far, but he’s working on more.”

“Send it to me and anything else that comes your way as soon as you get it.” My heart starts to pound. I’m going to find her.

“Will do.”

“And thanks, Dax. This means a lot.”

“No problem.”
