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“Looks like they like it here,” Ben had said to me while I tried to figure out what was going on. “Do you think you could like it here, too? I know it’s not as cozy as your cottage, but I figured we could make it into our home. If you want…” His hesitancy melted every ounce of worry I’d been holding on to, and I ended up launching myself at him.

When we fell into the grass, the dogs piled on top of us, cementing my decision to say yes.

That was a week ago, and it’s been a whirlwind of boxes and take-out breadsticks ever since.

I walk back out to the front as Ben and Adam lift my couch from the moving truck. We’ve been going at it for most of the day, despite the early September heat. Between Ben’s packed storage unit and my house, we have a lot of stuff.

“Think you could tone down the ogling?” Nolan asks, wrapping his sweaty arm around my shoulders.

“Nope.” I send an elbow to his ribs, making him grunt. He drops his arm, rubbing his side while grumbling about having to watch his sister salivate over a guy.

I wasn’t staring at Ben, but since Nolan mentioned it, he does look pretty fucking hot right now. His cutoff shirt is highlighting his biceps as he carries the heavy couch inside. Makes me want to lick him.

Shaking myself out of my stupor, I grab another box from the truck. It takes us about an hour to finally get everything unloaded. And thanks to my mom and Sybil, all the boxes have been organized into their respective rooms. It’ll make unpacking everything much easier.

Everyone is gathered around the island, eating pizza and chatting. I step up next to Ben, wrapping my arms around his waist. He kisses my temple, then goes back to eating.

The past few weeks have been…hard. The fundraiser was an excellent opportunity for me to distract myself from all the things that happened, which was great. Until it was over. Then I didn’t have anything to focus on besides the recurring nightmares, my inability to go anywhere by myself, and the undercurrent of panic that doesn’t ever seem to go away.

It’s been frustrating to say the least, but my therapist has encouraged me to focus on the progress I’ve made instead of focusing on the negative. The panic has eased significantly, I no longer feel like someone is watching me all the time, and I’m more in love with Ben than I’ve ever been before.

The man is a saint for putting up with everything. He’s been patient with my triggers, understanding of my need for space while also never letting him leave my side, and willing to do whatever I ask of him when I ask it. I couldn’t have gotten luckier.

I also think moving into his new house will be beneficial not just for us as a couple, but for me to be in a new environment that isn’t tainted by all that happened. I already feel like I can breathe easier, and we haven’t even spent our first night in the house.

“What do you mean, you’re going to get someone else? It’s only been a couple of weeks.” Nolan’s question has me tuning into the conversation.

“It means exactly what I said. She doesn’t take anything seriously. I need an assistant who is going to focus on the tasks I give them, not try to find ways to ‘spice up my life.’” Adam quirks his fingers, using air quotes. They must be talking about Adam’s new temporary assistant while Tessa is on maternity leave.

“Is she doing a bad job? Not getting things done?” Matthew frowns. As the CFO of Sidelines, he’s probably wondering if they’re paying someone when they don’t deserve it.

“No, she’s staying on top of everything, but the woman uses a purple, sparkly pen, for god’s sake. And she keeps putting these affirmations on my computer every morning.”

Adam’s statement is met with silence. Everyone looks at him like he’s crazy until we all bust out laughing.

“Seriously? That’s why you want her gone? Because she uses a purple pen?” Matthew asks.

“No. I just… She doesn’t take anything seriously. She’s too happy.” Adam sulks.

“So, you can’t be happy and work in an office?” I ask, enjoying Adam being in the hot seat for once.

“That’s not what I said.”

“Sort of is, bro.” Nolan grins.

“Whatever. I’m out. You guys are on your own to find a way home.” Adam stalks out of the house, the front door slamming behind him. We all start laughing again, unable to contain it.

“I’ll go make sure he’s okay.” Matthew walks out of the kitchen, the sound of the front door opening and closing again ringing through the kitchen, only softer this time.

“We should all head out. Let these two settle into their new home.” Mom gives me a big hug, then turns to Ben to do the same. Everyone follows suit, saying goodbye and giving out hugs. When they’re all gone, Ben and I collapse onto the couch. The dogs, having already given up on the day, are sacked out in their beds.

“Why is moving so exhausting? We work out regularly. I should not be this tired,” Ben asks as he leans forward and picks up my feet, swinging them onto his lap to start massaging them.

I groan, the pressure feeling incredible. “Because instead of doing only an hour of focused exercise, you’re lifting and moving for an entire day. You don’t realize how much you’ve done until you finally relax and can no longer feel your arms.” I relax into the throw pillows on the couch, enjoying the constant pressure Ben keeps using on my arches.

“I never thought about it that way, but you’re right.”

“Mm-hmm,” I mumble, trying not to fall asleep.
