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Chapter Thirty-One


Jax catches my eye and nods pointedly in the direction that the nurse coming out of Nix’s room just went in. Wordlessly we follow, rounding the corner to the nurse’s station. We stall a short way from it, Jax pulling us into a shadowy corner out of sight, pretending to have a low, muttered conversation. Obviously Jax wants information, but he needs me to be a conversational ruse. Fine by me. I quietly mumble about my plans for the rest of the holiday, dinner, the weather, any nonsense really and Jax nods along absentmindedly while cocking his head and keeping one ear open for whatever he’s looking for.

A couple of moments later his eyes catch on something or someone just over my shoulder and I know that his target has just walked onto the ward. I lower my voice and slow my nonsensical bullshit so that he can concentrate.

Behind me I hear the nurse that was just attending to Phoenix speaking to someone.

“I have this for you, doesn’t make any sense to me but I promised to pass it on.”

“Oh. Okay,” a voice replies. I’m itching to turn round and watch, but Jax glares at me so I keep ‘talking’.

“What does it say?”

“It says ‘my name is Lizzie and I love my sister’...oh.” She sounds dumbfounded.

My eyes fly so wide they’re in danger of falling out and I jerk half around before Jax stops me with a hand on my arm. Damn him! Of course he gets the best view for this.

“Does that make sense to you?” The nurse asks.

“No. It doesn’t,” the Lizzie doppelgänger replies.

“But you can read it. That’s not English. I don’t even think it’s a language.”

“It’s code. A cypher.” My heart lurches when I hear this. It’s her! It’s really Lizzie. It has to be.

“I didn’t know you were into that sort of thing.”

“I’m not.” More confusion clouds her voice.

“Okay, weird.” The nurse laughs. “I better go and start the drug rounds. I checked on that kid you asked me to, she’s sound asleep but her vitals are fine. She’ll be out of here in no time.”

“Good. Hopefully I won’t have to go in there again.”

“Did they give you trouble?”

“Not really...I’m just a little uncomfortable, I guess.”

“Freaky relationship, right? I wonder what the deal is with them. Ain’t right if you ask me.”

“Mmm…” She laughs nervously.

“Do you think they—”

“Drug rounds?” Lizzie cuts in.

“Okay, okay, spoil all my fun. We can talk about this later.”

Footsteps sound and a moment later the blonde-haired nurse comes into view with a shocked gasp when she sees us. Raven’s clever note is grasped in her fingers still. Clever, clever girl. Of course she’d find a way to test this nurse to figure out if she’s Lizzie without us tackling her to the floor and stealing her DNA.

Lizzie or whatever the fuck her name is squeaks and tries to turn tail and run, but Jax is too quick for her, his arm shooting out to stop her.

“Oh no you don’t,” he hisses.

He’s so angry, and the way he’s looking at her...well, it’s hard to believe he’s the same guy who used to date this girl...oh crap, we all did. And she’s Raven’s sister. This is too weird. Why didn’t I think about how weird this was before now?

Thank fuck we were kids and didn’t do shit, I don’t think I could get over it.
