Page 35 of Healing Hearts

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“All of it?”

“Yes,” she confirmed, laughing at the way Marg’s eyes lit up with hope behind her glasses. “I spoke with Cora, and she agreed that this place needs a fresh coat of paint to spruce up its appeal. You know this place so well. I want to know what are your thoughts and suggestions. I want you to work closely with me on this.”

“Wow, I’m honored. Whatever you need. I’m your person; day or night, I’ll be there,” Marg offered.

Andrea marveled at the woman’s enthusiasm. She could tell that she really loved the inn just from how she interacted with the guests currently staying at the property. On two separate occasions, she’d witnessed Marg offering to call the restaurant to make special meal requests and retelling the history of Willberry Inn, all with a bright smile. She never heard her complain or saw a frown on her face.

“I think it would be great if we went with some bright colors to add vibrancy to the rooms and placed a few more abstract art pieces in the hallways and…” Marg gave Andrea an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry. I get carried away when it comes to renovations and designing. It’s a pet peeve of mine.”

“That’s fine. I’m actually grateful that you aren’t afraid to share this,” Andrea assured her. “Marg, you’re a woman after my own heart. I love your dedication and the way it seems you go all out. Your husband and children must worship the ground you walk on.”

The wide smile that brightened her face suddenly fell as something flashed through her eyes.Is that pain?


Marg repositioned her glasses before giving Andrea a quick glance. “Could you excuse me for a minute? I need to use the restroom.”

Andrea watched helplessly as the petite woman darted from behind her desk and headed for the bathroom, head bowed.

Ten minutes later, Marg returned to her station, where Andrea stood still, confused by her reaction. Andrea noted that she’d washed her face possibly to hide the evidence of her tears, but her eyes, though behind the barrier of her glasses, shone through a bright red.

“Marg, if I said something out of line, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to be insensitive. I—”

“It isn’t what you said, Andrea. You just caught me off guard, but that’s a story for another time, and I’m fine. I promise,” the woman assured her.

Andrea wasn’t so convinced. She was certain her words had triggered possibly a bad memory for the woman, perhaps a deceased husband or child. She decided to leave it for now. She would have to get the information from her mother so that she knew how to approach conversations with her going forward.

The two women spent the next fifteen minutes going over paint color options and debating whether or not wallpaper should be used in the kitchen and bathrooms.

“I think it’s time to head off home. I’ll see you tonight, Marg.”

Andrea turned on her heel and started walking back to the house. She still felt bad that she’d upset Marg but knew it would be good for all of them to get out and share some girl time together.

That was something she most definitely needed.
