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“So, how is that beautiful daughter of yours?” Kerry asked Jo as they stood along the side of the road conversing. “I know I only saw her that one time but boy, is she the spitting image of you when you were that age and equally as beautiful if not more.”

At her cousin’s compliment, Jo couldn’t help but feel the warmth that colored her cheeks. “Look who’s talking,” she deflected, “Miss, I haven’t aged a day over twenty-five in the last sixteen years.”

It was Kerry’s time to blush profusely before a wide grin graced her lips.

“Gosh, I’ve missed you, Jo,” Kerry spoke sincerely as her sapphire blue eyes glimmered.

“I’ve missed you too, Kerry Bear,” Jo returned, using the nickname she’d given her cousin so long ago as an endearment.

Kerry grinned once more. “So back on topic,” she reminded Jo.

“Oh yes, Tracy is fine, fantastic. She’s starting college soon and engaged to a wonderful young man.”

“That is so great to hear. I’m happy for you, Jo.” Kerry smiled. “So, are they planning on having the wedding here?”

Jo contemplated the woman’s question. “No. They haven’t chosen a venue just yet. They’ve just been so busy,” she revealed.

“Okay, well, if they choose to do it here, consider my services of providing the wedding cake free of charge. My treat,” Kerry offered.

“Oh, that’s right. Cora told me you have your own bakery. That’s really generous of you, Kerry,” Jo said.

“No problem at all, and yes,” Kerry beamed with pride. “I opened the shop after my divorce,” she continued to say.

“I’m happy for you, Kerry. I know this was your dream back in high school. It’s good to see you finally have what you’ve always wanted,” Jo congratulated the woman, still beaming with pride.

“If you think that’s great, then you should see what Dee’s up to,” Kerry added.

Jo racked her brain, trying to figure out who Dee was.

“That’s Dianne, Tessa’s daughter,” Kerry clarified.

“Oh,” she replied simply.

“She’s celebrating the first-year anniversary of her business Java Bistro, and she’s setting up a kiosk at the Whidbey Island Fair tomorrow. You should come,” she invited.

“I didn’t know there was a fair in town,” Jo replied, surprised that she hadn’t been aware.

“Yeah, they’ve been here about a week now and will be until the end of summer. But seriously you should come tomorrow. It’ll be fun,” Kerry insisted.

Jo hesitated before speaking, “I’ll think about it,” she appeased her cousin.

“Good,” Kerry returned, satisfied.

After the two parted, Jo finally made her way home.

“Hey, Sis. How was your run?” Andrea sat on the porch, sporting reading glasses with her laptop opened on her lap.

“Hey,” Jo greeted, coming to rest her back on the railing before her sister. “It was good. Guess who I ran into?”

Her sister’s bright blue eyes stared up at her quizzically. “Who?” she asked.

“You’re supposed to guess,” Jo deadpanned.

“Jo, you know I don’t have the patience for those things.” Andrea chuckled. Jo couldn’t help but join in.

“Kerry,” she revealed after her laughter had died down. “She invited me to the Whidbey Island Fair tomorrow. She said Tessa’s daughter, Dianne, is testing the market for her new kiosk idea.”
