Page 10 of Unapologetic

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I knew I had seconds until I have to breach the subject of good-bye. The finality of the word made it all the more daunting.

Awkwardly stealing a glance at his face, he seemed as troubled as I was with his lips pressed together, as though he was holding himself back from saying something. Those lips … had devoured me, my soul, and took every ounce of sanity I had. Had he not pulled back, he would have had me writhing underneath him with no thought of the consequences.

I was too enthralled at the taste of him and the feel of his strength and his powerful body working its magic on me. Thank goodness some divine intervention had saved me from any more embarrassment.

Crestfallen, I spun around to face him the moment we reached my door. The soft glow of the hallway lights made his chiseled features seem softer yet more lethal to my senses. One look of that feral gaze he just gave me made me quiver inside. How could he still have so much power over me?

Letting my eyes drop to study the strong muscles of his neck, I unknowingly began to lick my lips, parched for reasons I dared not openly admit. “River, listen—”

“I’m leaving for Ireland tomorrow to shoot the final film of TVM.” He grazed my cheek with his thumb, seeming to test my reaction at the feel of his touch. Our eyes met, and I couldn’t feel or see anything. Only him and those feral, stormy eyes that never failed to draw me in. “Do you mind if I text you from time to time?”

Text. He didn’t outright say call, which meant he was treading lightly, knowing well enough that I would immediately reject it. I wasn’t sure if I should be comforted by that thought.

“If you want to, I guess.” Texting was harmless, though it was his grand gesture of wanting to keep in touch because I wouldn’t give him anything more.

A soft smile broke from his lips. I was so absorbed by it that I didn’t notice he had reached out to hold my hand. I simply stood there like a breathless idiot before he bent over to softly kiss my knuckle, his lips sweetly caressing my skin. When he finished, he didn’t release my hand. He took a moment to gaze upon my face, looking at me as though it would break him if he dared to stop. When I thought it would never end, he granted me with a wounded smile and murmured, “Sleep well, my petal.”

Blanketed with darkness, I blushed from head to foot. That pet name represented how much he had once loved me. And as much as I wanted him to stop using it, I had no fight left in me tonight.

“Safe travels to you and take care.”

He responded with a curt nod before he retreated, leaving me staring back at him, walking away while I remained in my frozen position, wondering if I achieved what I aimed to gain by meeting him tonight.

All I knew was that River Ellis had somehow managed to remind me that I still had a heart—a beating one at that.
