Page 44 of Unapologetic

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Our table was on the patio overlooking the vast Pacific Ocean as the backdrop, exuding romance. Given that this was our first date, I appreciated Kyle’s effort in making sure that everything was pleasing.

I never doubted the man played the field. He certainly looked the part. Kyle Matthews was gorgeous, confident, successful, and had that particular air that only self-assured men had about him. He made me nervous, but it was the good kind of nerves.

In the past two years of joining the dating pool, I had never been this thrilled to go on a date. It couldn’t be helped. Kyle was quite a catch.

We were both in a jovial mood as we ordered our appetizers and entrees. It was right after our first sip of wine that Kyle revealed something bizarre.

“You remind me of someone I used to know,” he stated as he glanced at me. “You have the same personality, and that beautiful smile of yours.” It was difficult not to trace the melancholy echoes in his tone.

In my curiosity, I was prompted to ask, “What happened to her?”

Kyle smiled, but it never reached his eyes. “Sienna? She’s married now and expecting, but once upon a time, I meant everything to her.”

“Then why—”

“I cheated.”

“Oh, you’rethatkind.” Why didn’t this revelation surprise me? Sitting back, I waited for him to carry on.

“It wasn’t intentional, but it happened, and I couldn’t take it back. It’s so cliché to even say it, but it’s true. I was young and stupid.”

He sounded just like River, but the fact remained, no man was a saint, claiming to be in love or otherwise. To them, love was a fleeting moment. A selective emotion granted to a woman who made them feel the most, but the second their attentions were averted by another, that love was no more.

“I was cheated on once, and it hurt me like a motherfucker.”

Kyle gave me a considering look. “What happened to him?”

“We’re friends.” In a way, River was.

He took a lengthy sip of his wine, studying me. “He wants you back.” He didn’t question it. He merely stated a fact.

Since Kyle began the conversation by being truthful, I had to give him the same courtesy.

“Yeah, he does, but no. I can’t possibly—”

“That’s what Sienna did, too. She could never bring herself to trust me afterward, and before I knew it, someone filled my spot who loved her just as fiercely as I did. I lost my chance the second I fucked up.”

“Such is life. We have to eventually move on.” Whoever this Sienna was, I felt for her and hoped that I would have the wherewithal to keep River’s intentions at bay.

He beamed in the most charming of way before he raised a glass before making a toast. “To new beginnings.”

Now that was something I could totally agree on.

Raising my glass to him, I repeated, “To new beginnings.”

I found it refreshing to speak to someone who didn’t know anything about me. I could speak freely without needing to hide.

For the entire duration of dinner, he gave me such entertaining stories about the craziness of his life. He worked almost daily. He worked hard and played hard. I found myself enthralled by him and was curious to know what made him tick and what he was made of. He was forthcoming about his past misgivings, his weaknesses and strengths, and I had to applaud him for his honesty.

We completed the date with a promise to make another soon. Although he tried to cajole me in continuing our night to his house, I had to decline, believing it was better to take it slow. Besides, I didn’t want to immediately involve myself with anyone.

Kyle gave the impression that wasn’t in a hurry to be tangled in a serious relationship, either, since he had been scarred. Therefore, he reluctantly led me to my car before kissing me goodnight on the cheek. I drove off smiling, knowing this would be one of many dates I would share with Kyle Matthews.

I came home still sporting that very endearing smile on my face, until I found someone at my doorstep. Beyond surprised to find River waiting, my shock was more to the fact that the rogue man seriously looked like the Viking on screen who everyone worshipped. Hair loose, scruff and all.

“What are you doing here?” I exclaimed, grinning from ear-to-ear.

Holy mighty fuck! I was beyond mesmerized that I overlooked the gargantuan assembled bouquet consisting of hydrangeas and carnations in his grip.

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