Page 60 of Unapologetic

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“Calvin,” he offered before looking down at me with a wicked look.

“Right.” I tapped his chest before glancing back at my over inquisitive friend. “This is Calvin. He’s a Trojan.”

“I’m heading back to the table to recharge.” Anton winked at me before giving Calvin one lusty brazen onceover. “Join us once you’re done teasing the heck out of this beast.”

“Don’t mind him,” I said before investing all my attention to the man whose hands began to find confidence in the way he held me.

We danced, gyrating against each other for almost an hour. By the time I announced exhaustion, I had a vast idea of the size of his package. It wasn’t all that impressive, truth be told, but I wasn’t planning on getting laid, but maybe everything else but the blatant deed.

My forefinger grazed his lips, checking to see if his bow-shaped lips felt as soft as they looked. “Feel like going somewhere quiet?”

“Hell yeah.” The Trojan and I were on the same wavelength.

I flirtatiously smiled at him before softly tapping the side of his chin. “Good boy.” Taking charge, I grabbed his hand and led him toward our private table. The club was so condensed with people it felt like we were sardines in a small can.

Upon reaching the table, I caught up with Kells and Anton, who were in the midst of eating sliders and fries.

“I’m heading out,” I announced before picking up a fry and biting it in half.Heaven.

“With the USC quarterback?” Anton cocked his head to the side, double-checking Calvin who stood ten feet away, waiting for me to finish saying my farewells.

“Yes, sir.” I stole another fry before blowing them kisses. “Catch ya laters.”


Ah, the asshole of the year was amongst us. Where was he? Lurking in the shadows before finding the right opportunity to pester me? Yeah, he could go suck a toe—Hailey’s fucking toe.

Without glancing in his direction, I gave him the finger before marching off.

Trojan and I exited the venue with great relief. As much as I adored partying, Vegas was hardcore compared to the bars we frequented in LA. It was hard to keep up with the energy and the wild commitment to party like a rock star.

My spirits were lifted as we joked about playing strip poker. True, I hardly knew the man, but that was the whole point of tonight—to forget about my qualms.

We strode hand in hand through the halls of the hotel toward the bank of elevators to take us to the suite. Upon reaching my level, I pulled out the keycard to access the room.

“Can I get you something to drink?” I coyly asked the second we entered. Apparently, he and his friends were staying at a different hotel, and I didn’t see the point as to why I had to trek farther when I could use this room. River and co. would be partying until the break of dawn, so it would be of no consequence.

That sentiment lasted for another minute until I heard the front door savagely open, then in rushed a severe looking River. I had seen his anger in different stages, but this one topped the list. He flexed his hands, gearing for a fight.

Venomous eyes seared toward where Calvin stood. “Get the fuck out of here!”

The poor jock’s shocked expression didn’t cover the horror of his situation. “Cara told me she’s available. She’s not yours.”

“Oh, she’s mine. She’s been mine since she was eleven,” River jeered. I could literally see his rage about to explode like a viciously shaken uncorked champagne bottle.

Calvin seemed oblivious to who River was, or he didn’t give a hoot about his fame. As much as I loathed granting River my gaze, I knew I had to look at him so he could see the depths of my frustration. I didn’t need him to act like a bastard and shining armor for me.

“We’re just going to my room then, since you don’t look like you’re leaving any time soon.”

River growled like some uncontrolled animal ready to pounce. “I’m not leaving, and if it takes muscle to let this fucker out, then let’s have at it.” He flexed his arms then his neck, eyes a fiery inferno.

He was ready to brawl? WTF!

Shielding Calvin from River, I knew was a moronic move since Calvin was a jock, but River had months of serious MMA training, fencing and all sorts of rigorous exercises to prep his body for his role as a Viking. Calvin wouldn’t survive a minute with him.

“Enough!” I bellowed. This wasn’t the kind of fun I had in mind, not with Calvin ending up in ER.

“I’m going to lose my scholarship if I fight you,” I heard Calvin speak behind me, sounding defeated.
