Page 15 of Savage

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The man didn’t even give me the opportunity to say a word, knowing I was none too pleased.

“I don’t think he understands that being fashionably late only applies if you’re Leonardo Dicaprio.” Oh well, he was here, and even if we were running out of time, I was doing this for him and not for the publicity. However, it would still be nice to get there on time.

In the rarely used spacious silver and white decorated powder room, Kells helped me slip into the hugging bodice of my dress. She was beaming with pride as she roamed those green crystals on me with gleaming approval. “After today, you’re going to be recognized. Don’t forget us little people once the world starts screaming your name.”

A deep blush crept into my cheeks as I affectionately gazed at my friend with gratitude. “There’s no possibility of that, Kells. No matter what, we stick together. Fame or no fame.”

“I could kiss you, but I don’t want to ruin this gorgeous highlighter on your cheek.” She grinned before reaching out for my hand and giving it an encouraging squeeze. “I know you, Sprinkles. It’s just that being in this business for as long as I have, I’ve seen the tightest of bonds break apart and best friends turn into strangers, and strangers become family in a heartbeat.”

Before I could respond, there was a loud rap at the door.

“Are y’all ready?” Anton giddily inquired, thrilled with immense anticipation to see the full outcome of their effort. “River’s ready, too.”

“Almost,” Kells hollered back as she circled around me, both eyes and hands acutely inspecting me from head to foot, double-checking everything was in its place before throwing me an approving smile. “You’re all set, ready to hit the lights, babe.”

“Eek, this is going to be crazy,” I said under my breath as Kells held the door open before stepping out with Irma, Anton, and River all waiting for me.

Anton animatedly clapped his hands, giddy with excitement. “You’re going to slay that fucking red carpet with your hot piece of ass.”

River let out a low whistle as his eyes roved over the tight bodice of my dress, dark eyes then lingering on my face. “Devastatingly beautiful,” he declared with a smile before our eyes linked, wreaking havoc with my nerves. The powerful tug of need, intoxicating desire made me clench my vaginal muscles. I was left breathless when his admiring eyes openly bore love for all the world to see.

My cheeks reddened, overwhelmed at River’s reaction. I blushed as though the man had never complimented me in my life. It was in the way those dark, heated, possessive eyes held me, as if he was branding me as his.

My friends momentarily forgotten, my attention was solely, undividedly his.

“Thank you,” I said timidly, feeling shy and coy all of a sudden. “You don’t look so bad yourself.” Casually dressed black jeans, black leather jacket, and a simple black tee, he looked like your typical musician.. The come-hither eyes were a lethal combination. He was every bit the bad boy his image depicted him.

“Aw, too much sexy googly eyes make me moist as hell,” Anton sassily stated, breaking our moment.

My blush crept deeper into my cheeks. I excused myself in search of my clutch, which conveniently sat right on the couch. Afterwards, I strode back to join them in the dining area, while my friends drank more alcohol, relieved that the tedious ordeal of prepping me was over and done with. Party and fun comes next on the agenda. Anton, Kells, Phoenix and the rest of River’s friends would be joining us at the after party, so we wouldn’t be without their presence for long.

“I’ll see you both tonight,” River bid his goodbye to the gang.

“You guys are the best. Thank you again,” I rushed out before giving Kells a massive hug, then uttering the same sentiment and warmth to Irma, the hairstylist, and blowing an affectionate kiss to my sweet queer man. Once all the farewells were done, River and I strode hand in hand out of the condo, heading towards the lift.

“Ready to stun the world, petal?” River whispered into my ear the second the doors closed in on us, delivering us to the main lobby.

His voice sent delicious shivers down my spine.

Seductively pressing my body against his, I brought his lips to mine, ensuring that I didn’t smudge much of the soft peach matte lipstick off. “I’m ready as long as you’re with me.”

When we worked as one, anything was possible. I had never felt more driven, more ambitious to prove to anyone who had doubted that River and I wouldn’t make it. The likes of Willa, for example. She had poisoned my mind by purposely harping on my tattered insecurity, hatefully predicting that River would leave me behind because he’d been too caught up with Hailey. And when that proved right, I couldn’t banish the memory of her smug face, condemning me to a dark prison that almost ate me alive. River pushed me into the darkest cell, but it had been Willa who had pushed and locked me in there.

While I had inconsolably cried, she had mouthed what River might have been doing at the moment with Hailey. For weeks, the vile woman had laughed at me, mocking me in school up until graduation. She had believed it her right to remind me of how useless and miserable my life was, and at one point, she had taunted me to just end my miserable life, and I almost had, unable to go on hearing her yap in my ear. Shutting her out when she and I shared a bedroom had been impossible. There had been no privacy to be had, not where she’d been concerned.

The second I had gotten my diploma, I had up and left, never wanting to look back and remember the torture living with Willa had brought me. Part of the reason I hadn’t gone back to see Mattie, as much as I loved her, was partly due to Willa.

The ride to the Microsoft Theatre was jam-filled with traffic. The line of the limo was lengthy as each star carefully unloaded, one car at a time, before gliding down the red carpet.

“Nervous?” River whispered in my ear. His hand hadn’t loosened its tight grip. I held on to it as it if was my lifeline.

I swallowed the thick lump in the back of my throat. Nervous didn’t even begin to cover my present state. Torn between wanting to puke and needing to run, the only comfort came from River’s hand gripping mine. It was as if he was giving me strength. As long as he kept me close, everything would be all right.

The anticipation was killing me slowly. Our driver seemed to be communicating with the organizers from the event. I wasn’t sure if that was a system to filter through the star hierarchy or what not, but after five minutes of standstill, our vehicle began to move again. We were the fifth one in line.

“Bass Cole and Emma Anderson coming through in four, white limo,” I heard the security’s walkie-talkie standing a few feet away. They were in the vehicle before us.

My eyes glued to the vehicle ahead of us, not wanting to miss a moment seeing one of my favorite couples almost up close and personal. I was tizzy with excitement, and when the door opened, I gasped with anticipation.
