Page 22 of Savage

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In a small rounded corner sat a loveseat, so I gradually placed my belongings there before facing the good-humored woman.

“I’m ready for you to put me through the wringer.” I was hyped. My body highly abuzz, jolted with anticipation of what’s to come ext.

She trotted towards the opposite side of the room, turning on a camera. She then grinned at me before she scrolled about the iPad. “Awesome! Just thought this song might just fit you since you know, you’re dating River Ellis and shit.”

Right on cue, the song “River” by Bishop Briggs vibrated throughout the mirrored studio.

She rubbed her hands together before she sashayed towards the center of the room, masking the real Carmen and replaced with the determined fierce look of a dancer. The mask was less mellow than the original one.

“Watch me. Learn every move.” Those were her last words before she dropped low and began to hypnotize me with her energetic pull and supreme skills.

My eyes devoured her. From the smooth flow in the way her hips locked and swayed to the riveting beat of the music, to being possessed with the melody of the song singing into her body, delving into her soul. Carmen took it and wholeheartedly embraced its spell. She became untamed, completely enslaved to the rhythm. It was captivating to witness, a mesmerizing projection expressed through music.A moving art, a fierce, erotically charged moving art. The fluidity of her moves were jaw dropping. Fervor in execution, the perfect implementation and the intensity Carmen performed was impressive.

I was still rooted to the spot, jaw slightly ajar as the song ended and the dance nymph proudly beamed at me.

Carmen whistled, commanding my attention. “Time to vibe, chica. Let’s see what you have, eh?” she encouraged before we both shifted positions and it was my turn to be in the middle of the room, standing before the walled mirror with the camera capturing every move.


You sought this.

You love this.

You crave this.

My photographic memory typically came handy in such situations, be it memorizing a script in less than twenty-four hours or remembering dance routines, but this was different. How could I surpass that kind of perfection? Maybe I didn’t have to, I duly considered, before I decided that I had to embrace it and rock the tune with my own spin on her routine. The sole drive that never failed me to perform was the man who owned me—body and soul. River. The thought of him stirred something savage within me. My mind shifted back to the memory of us in the dance studio that one hot summer night. I had swayed to his tune until he had deemed me worthy enough to be stripped from my clothing. I had to earn each shedding piece. The seduction game had gone on until I was naked, and then he had grant me his cock.

This is for him.I’m dancing for him—for his approval.

Lights off with only one light spotlighting me, basked in the surrounding darkness while the camera honed in on me, I shivered when I heard Carmen signaling to ready up.

Yes, River’s watching. Dance for him. Seduce him. So dance. Make love to him through the music.

When the song reverted back to the beginning, I momentarily shut my eyes. And just like that, like a flickered switched in my body, I felt the calling, the deep-seated yearning. It seized me. It commanded me.

A beautiful heady rush coursed through my veins, electrifying me as it loosened my body. My senses solely concentrated on the music and those dark eyes observing me dance for him.

Let the music capture your body.

Let go.

Set your body free.


Like a river… like a river…

Shut your mouth and run me like a river …

The song beckoned, and my hypnotized form answered with unmitigated tenacity. I submitted to the seductive rhythm, letting it speak through my body, rocking through it, vibrating through it.

How do we fall in love? Harder than a bullet could hit you

How do we fall apart? Faster than a hairpin trigger

Don’t say, don’t you say it

Shifting positions, instead of following Carmen’s choreography, I added my own flair by dropping on the floor and began to sensually crawl towards the camera. Provocative. Magnetic. Captivating.
