Page 54 of Savage

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At the very mention of last night, fear unfurled in my gut once more. It spread far and wide, threatening to take over what little grasp I had of control.

“Tonight,” I found myself saying, “we’ll make up for lost time.” It took every ounce of me to muster a smile while my mind recoiled at the thought of what lied ahead.

“You better be ready, babe. It’s been forever.” He kissed the tip of my nose before sighing with finality. “While I work, I’ve arranged a full-service spa for you in our suite.”

This beautiful, gorgeous man worshipped the ground I walked on … and I was going to break that little heart of his again. How could I even fathom to eviscerate us in such a way? How did I become so reckless, so enslaved to my body’s demands, letting it rule over my mind?

They said timing was everything, and I intended to choose the right moment to confess my sin. It would be sometime later, when everything had settled and quieted down with no people around us. Only then I’d bear the wretchedness that was darkening my soul.

After exiting the car, we were led towards a private elevator that brought us straight to the presidential suite.

Nothing but the best for his top client, I wryly thought as my eyes took in the opulent surroundings. Ari was a top-tiered jackass, but he was dedicated to River. Yes, he was his top money making machine but he also made sure River was surrounded with the best of everything. The man had ten songs in the Top 100 charts all over the world. Ari surely knew who to wager his bets on. He knew, too, that River always delivered. The perfectionist in him made sure of that.

The two-floor suite was rather too much just for just the two of us …

“Hello, Cara. Your tan looks amazing.” Willa came out of nowhere, smiling brightly at me before diverting her attention to her phone. “The interview’s taking place one floor down in a different suite. You ready?”

Gee, just barely ten minutes in, and she just had to jump out of nowhere and ruin everything.

“Can I have five minutes with Cara at least?” River asked as he strode to the bar, pulled a bottle water out of the fridge, and drank the whole contents in one go.

Willa and I were both watching him intently, as if he was the most magnificent thing we had seen all day, and he was.

River glanced at us before slanting his brow, patiently waiting for a reply. “Willa?”

“Hmm?” Willa blinked a few times, blushing before she pretended to frown into her phone. “Five minutes?Uh … well, it’d be rude to make him wait. You can’t break your ‘always on time’ rule; they like that about you.”

“All right.” He threw the bottle in the garbage before striding over towards me, hoisting me up and twirling me around. “You will have to wait, beautiful.”

His smile was infectious. I beamed down at him before tilting my head and kissed him with my all for a good two minutes.

River felt so good. How stupid was I to get so carried away by Juan’s charms? This was all I needed, and not much else.

“Try to be a good girl while I’m gone, yeah?” He sought my lips again and gave me a thorough picture of what was to take place tonight before he placed me down and kissed my forehead. “Room service will be here soon, then the ladies from the spa will arrive in an hour or so.”

“Got it. Now go or you’ll be late.”

Willa cleared her throat, irritated. “We have to go, River.”

I had forgotten about her. River and I normally didn’t display affection in front of people, most especially with Willa around.

River, crazy man that he was, grabbed my ass for the last time before leaving me alone in his suite with Willa trailing behind him.

I thoughtfully gazed at the shut door, comforted that River would never abandon me. We were young and bound to make countless mistakes. He and I did a lot of things to hurt each other, but at the end of the day, we always overcame it.

Before I had the chance to step into the bedroom and have a quick nap, there was a knock on the door. Room service. It was like clockwork. River had it all planned out how my afternoon was going to be spent. By the time the three ladies finished with me, it was time to get ready for River’s concert. I was told that it was a sold-out arena, and I best get there before it got mad crazy.

River hadn’t had the chance to drop by again, but Willa had. She would be back here in thirty minutes’ time, and we would ride to the venue together.

Dressed in all black, my silk mini dress showcased my cleavage, my great tan, and my toned legs. The same vehicle and driver who came to pick me up greeted Willa and I in the underground garage.

“What’s with the faded pink hair?” I couldn’t help asking her ten minutes later.

Her face lit up, confident with her new punk rock chic look. “It’s so pretty, isn’t it?” She brushed a hand over her hair, quite delighted. “River thinks so, too. He prefers it straight instead of wavy.”

There was something in her tone that made me look at her suspiciously. “I’m sure he does,” I bitingly remarked.

My boyfriend wasn’t a crass person. Like that time she had come home with jacked up boob implants and they turned out to be crooked, River had smiled and told her they looked good on her. Willa had found a sugar daddy to pay for her uneven breasts the second she had turned eighteen. And to this day, the woman still hadn’t looked in the mirror yet.
