Page 58 of Savage

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“Quit,” I heard myself say through rapid breaths. “I want you to quit the damn movie. You don’t need to work for the rest of your life. I make enough to last lifetimes together.”

Ending her contract would only be a beginning. If she wanted forgiveness, she’d do a lot more to prove and gain my loyalty and trust again. But ending her contract was a good start to make amends.

Cara froze, shocked, before an ugly, guttural sound came out of her. Like a cry, growl, and a whimper combined. “I’m under contract. You’re asking for the impossible.”

To achieve the impossible, one had to sacrifice the unimaginable. “I’ll pay the fine for violating the contract. I don’t give a flying fuck. Just quit that damn production!”

“This is my career we’re talking about, River. If I bail in the middle of filming, no one will hire me ever again. I could kiss my career goodbye. I’ll be ruined for the rest of my life.”

We all had to make tough, selfish choices to get where we wanted to be in life. Tonight was just one pivotal moment for her.

“I guess you just have to know which is more important to you, Cara.” Me or the damn movie.

“Baby, please … don’t do this to me.”

“I can’t believe what I’m asking of you, but I am. I’m begging you to.”

She worked her blood, sweat, and tears to get noticed in Hollywood. I knew achieving that was no small, easy feat. Regardless, I remained resolute, determined not to change my mind. Cara cheated, and she would continue on this capricious path if she went back to that island tomorrow. And if she did … well, I wasn’t going to wait. So, she has to choose: me or that little raunchy film.

She took a sharp breath before I felt her claws loosen their grip, releasing me from her tightened grasp. “I’ll do anything but that, River.Anythingbut.”

A lengthy stretch of silence incurred. There was the sound of my phone beeping with notifications, the collapse of ice from the bucket crumbling as it began to melt, the deafening pound in my ears as if cymbals were being crushed into my eardrums, and there was Cara and her ragged breathing as if she were hanging on by a fine thread, weighing the inevitable.

Then a loud knock came before Willa popped in with her cheery tone. “The ride’s here. Are we ready?” There was a drawn-out pause, as if she took in the hair-raising crackle of tension in the air. “Everything okay?”

“We’ll be there soon. I’m not to be bothered. I’ll come out when I fucking come out.” Pressing my lips together, I took a deep breath before I spun around and gave her a deadpan expression. “Thanks, Willa.” All my life, I had never spoken to Willa in such a way, but I couldn’t muster being nice.

Willa’s inquisitive eyes flickered between Cara and me, reading the tension between us before reluctantly closing the door behind her.

Cara broke the silence. “River, please talk to me,” she roughly implored.

When she tried to reach out to me, I slanted my head to the side, repulsed at the thought of her touch.

“I need your answer the moment we get to the hotel. For now … just let me …think. You owe me that at least.” I felt dead inside. Cara’s confession sucked the color from my world.

I felt hollow. Betrayed in the most primal level. Self-destruction began to unfold as my mind battered me by unleashing the poison of doubt and insecurity. Wasn’t I enough for her? After she had different men in her bed, had a taste of what was out there, I assumed it was only natural for her to be curious. And look at her now. She had become this carnal nymph who couldn’t control her sexual urges.

The irony was laughable. I’d find it funny, too, had it not been my heart on the receiving end of her infidelity.

She had accused me of cheating while I was under contract, but she had cheated of her own free will. No one had forced her. She hadwantedthis to happen. She cravedhimtoo greatly to stop herself from cheating.

So where did that leave me? I had no fucking clue. I was too consumed in wanting her that I hadn’t foreseen this ever happening. And knowing the wanton woman that she was now, Juan wasn’t going to stop trying to win her over. And if he were to succeed, should I wait for that dreaded phone call, or should I just cut my losses now?

I loved her too damn much, yet I wasn’t going to sit back and wait for her to come around.If she decides to choose the movie, then I have to let her go. Set her free.

No. This had to be done. No sane man would tolerate such disrespect. Each time I would touch her I would always wonderwhoshe was thinking about. I just couldn’t have that, not with her.

I had failed at trying to rekindle the love we once had. I had been a deluded idiot believing that once I had her in my arms, things would fall back into place and it would be just like old times. Yeah, deluded idiot I sure as fuck was.

The diamonds glinted around her dainty neck. A beautiful icy emblem of the woman she had become. A token of the years we had together, packed with lost love, dimming memories, nerve-wracking heartbreaks, and chilling betrayals.

As Oscar Wilde would say:The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it.

And she would. I knew Cara quite well. She was terrible at resisting temptation when her body overtook her mind. All she could think about was the havoc in her tight cunt seeking release. I should know, I used her wantonness against her like a damn weapon.
