Page 75 of Savage

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I was twenty-one years old, yet the thought of hooking up with eighteen, nineteen year-olds didn’t appeal to me. Instead, I strolled around the pool area and towards the backyard just to look around.

The massive makeshift wooden dance floor was already filled with people dancing and a string of men ogling the girls who were letting loose. There was a section filled with candies and pastries. And upon seeing it, my stomach growled.

I regarded them as I plucked a napkin and grabbed a brownie and a few of the rainbow colored caramelized yummy looking pastries. It tasted good. Well, except for the brownie. It was borderline disgusting. I shivered as I washed down the aftertaste with a glass of white wine.

“Dance with me?” Juan came up next to me, holding out a hand as he mischievously grinned at me.

“I don’t think that’s wise.” We would most likely end up wanting to choke each other like always.

He threw me one of his signature smoldering looks. “One dance, for the last time? You’re leaving; what’s the harm in dancing?”

I rolled my eyes before giving in. “All right.”

Juan led the way to the packed dance floor. “You should be dancing with these girls. I’m sure they’d appreciate your star power more than I will,” I said as I arched my brow, wondering why he was giving me attention at all.

“Juana made sure to put it in her invitation that anyone who would try to flirt with her brother would be banned from her parties in the future.” He snickered, amused at his little sister. “So, whenever her friends see me, they immediately leave.”

Ah, that explained it. I was beginning to wonder if he was popular at all because no one seemed to request an autograph or a photo op with him. Juana covered her bases. Props for her.

“You’re sister’s smart. It’d be weird for Juana if her friends dated you.”

He laughed. “I’m not too keen on giggling girls.”

“Yeah, right.” I snorted as he held my hip and we began swaying to the rhythm.

“I likewomen,not girls. I also like them sassy and sensual. When I take a lover, I need her to know how to please me, too. That’s why these girls will never do it for me.”

A waitress came around, interrupting us as she handed Juan a bottle of champagne. Juan apparently partied like that. He just drank straight from the bottle and intends to get hammered, as he planned to achieve tonight.

“I don’t think brownies are Spain’s specialty. Weirdest tasting thing ever.” I made a contorted face as I shivered from the aftertaste that still lingered on my tongue.

“What brownie?”

I pointed across the lawn to where he had found me. The sweet display was situated before the pool area, in a little nook that had a six-foot waterfall with water dyed in hot pink.

He frowned, eyes boring into mine as he gave me that ‘how could you not know look’. “They’re concentrated with marijuana and some other crazy things these kids like to get high off of.”

Horrified, I let out a sharp gasp as I licked my lips. “You mean, I just ate a magic brownie and several of whatever that was …” Why hadn’t that entered my head? “Oh, fuck!” Juana and her friends seemed the kind to be serving such treats. Since I had barely eaten anything all day, when I saw dessert, I thought of nothing else but the sugary sweet kick it would give me. I was appalled at my naivety and the fact that everyone knew except me. And I took not one butfour!“What will happen to me?”

Juan cupped my cheek; trying to reassure my panicked state. “Don’t worry; just have fun with it, and whatever you do, don’t panic! I’m right here. I won’t leave your side. I’ll take care of you.” He kissed my forehead before seeking my eyes again. “I’ve seen a few who started crying, screaming, hallucinating that a dragon’s chasing them, and they have to run and hide. If that happens, I’ll make sure to give you a sword to fight it off.”

“That’s not funny,” I said as I became agitated at the thought of hallucinating some crazy stuff. Juan was obviously teasing me a little.

“It’s a true story.”

I blanched. “What kind of party would serve drug-induced sweets and pastries?” Mixed drugs; how bad could it get?

“The crazy kind. I told you my sister was a crazy one. You wouldn’t believe me then.”

“I believe you now.” It was no wonder her peers didn’t want to get uninvited; she catered to all the crazies. “I don’t feel anything …” I murmured against his cheek when I realized my senses were the same and nothing had been altered.

“Just you wait. Don’t look so happy yet.”

I rolled my eyes, feeling as though he was making a big deal out of it.

How strong could it be?

I didn’t have to wait long to get my answer. It came ten minutes later. It wasn’t subtle. I had expected it to be like a slow build-up, making you aware the changes in your senses,but no, I was dead wrong. Once the effect hit you, it seized you instantaneously. Unforgivingly.
