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‘Was it like that with you and Nano?’

She laughs, almost as if to herself.

‘I married him out of spite. Because my parents wouldn’t agree to my marrying the man I really loved.’


‘Oh, yes! So I went down to the cove and chose the roughest, toughest-looking fisherman I could find.’

‘Nano,’ I say, nodding.

‘Nano. Only I didn’t know he was actually from the Heatherton-Smythe family. He had been abroad most of his life. You can imagine my surprise when I found out who he really was. He had a heart of gold and I had fallen head over heels for him.’

‘You just know when it’s right. And when it isn’t, I guess,’ I observe.

‘In any case, I sincerely hope that you left Stephen for yourself and your own happiness, and not because of Jago Moon. He can only bring you sorrow upon sorrow. Believe me – I know what I am talking about.’

‘Oh, Grandmother – it’s not like that. I was thinking about leaving Stephen for so long, only I couldn’t bring myself to do it. But then, when I came to Starry Cove—’

She groans and I take her hand gently.

‘Please, Grandmother, stop. Starry Cove has given me something that I never had before.’

‘And what is that?’

‘A sense of belonging. I know, it’s crazy. I’ve only been here for a short time, but I know that this is the place I want to be. This is the place I nowneedto be.’

But Jago – being without him, not speaking to him, not seeing him, knowing he’s less than a quarter of a mile away from me, is killing me. How am I supposed to get over him, ever? How does one mend a shattered heart?

I haven’t seen him for two days now. Since Christmas morning, to be exact, but it seems like years. Years of not looking into his eyes, hearing the deep sound of his voice. How am I going to avoid him? We own a business together. And how am I ever going to be able to look at him without falling apart all over again?
