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‘Oh!’ she says. ‘You have to meet my friends!’

‘Sure, I’d love to, thank you, Rosie!’ I could certainly use a friendly face right now.

‘You’ll love them! Nina is the famous Nina Conte, the scriptwriter.’

I feel my jaw dropping. ‘Nina Conte? Are you kidding me? I love her!’

‘We all do. And she’ll love you, you just wait. And there’s Natalia Amore, the—’

‘Natalia? The one who wrote “That’s Amore”?’

‘Yes, just the one!’

‘Oh my word. What is this? The secret haven of celebrities?’

Rosie giggles. ‘More or less, yes. And then there’s Faith Hudson, who’s an interior designer. Oh, I can’t wait for you to meet them.’

‘To all of us, then, and to our new friendship,’ I toast, thinking how I’d love to live such a simple life. And how I’d love to be as happy as Rosie.

The ceramic clock above the table suddenly chimes two, making me jump.

‘Oh my God, is that the time? I’m so sorry – I have to go! But thanks so much for the company and the pie and all.’

‘Ooh, good luck, then. And do pop in when you can. I’ll always have cakes and a brew for you, Emmie.’

I stop at the door, grinning from ear to ear. ‘Will do, Rosie.’

And as I close the jingling door behind me, I can’t help but feel like I’ve just made a friend for life.
