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That seemed a reasonable solution. ‘What about the tune?’

‘I’ve not had a good look at it, but I shouldn’t think it would be a problem to change it to something more festive.’

That was another hurdle out of the way. It seemed the universe was intent on her doing this. But there was one other thing…

‘Hit me with the quote,’ she said.

Tobias slid another piece of paper towards her.

Seren turned it over and nearly cried.How much?That was most of her savings, gone. Just like that! But she’d known it wasn’t going to be cheap, so perhaps she should be more surprised that the quote wasn’t higher.

Was she serious about this? Or had she been wasting everyone’s time?

She had to make a decision now, she realised. If she dithered, even for a week or two, she’d lose too much time and it would be pointless going ahead with the conversion at all.

‘OK, let’s do it,’ she declared. ‘But only if you can have it ready in two weeks. We’re at the beginning of November and if it takes any longer than that I’m not going to get the most out of it.’

‘It’s a deal.’ Tobias held his hand out.

She took it, intending to shake firmly, but he held her hand a little longer than was necessary, so she hastily snatched it back. It wasn’t that she minded him holding her hand, but she wasn’t used to men like Tobias paying her attention. And, of course, there was always the issue that she might be imagining it and she was in danger of making a fool of herself.

‘I’d better be off,’ she said, getting to her feet. ‘No doubt you want to close up, and I’ve got to get home and start contacting people who might be willing to give me their stock to sell on nothing but a promise. There’s a craft fair in the town hall on Saturday, and my dad suggested I ask some of the sellers if they’d consider supplying me with their wares on a sale or return basis. Wish me luck.’

‘I’m sure you don’t need it.’

She pouted. ‘I’m pretty sure I do. I’m going to wait until just before closing time, when hopefully it’s quiet, and I’ll sock it to them then. Can I hang on to the drawings, so I can show people? Hopefully that will be more impressive than me trying to describe it.’

‘Yes, of course. I’ll be in touch when it’s nearing completion, or if I hit a snag.’

‘Please don’t say something like that,’ she pleaded.

‘I’m sure it’ll be fine. I’ve had a good look at the van, and it should be straightforward enough.’

Seren smiled shakily. She’d never spent so much money in her life before and she felt a little light-headed. ‘Do you want a payment upfront?’

He shook his head. ‘Not at all.’ He paused. ‘How about going out for a drink on Saturday?’

Ooh, so she hadn’t been imagining things – Tobiaswasasking her out.

‘I’d love to,’ she said, but it was only after she was walking home after agreeing when to meet and where, that she wondered if she really did want to go on a date with him.

Oh, well, she’d said she would, and at least it would get her out of the house for a few hours. Besides, a date with a man as good-looking as Tobias wasn’t to be sneezed at, even if she didn’t fancy him as much as she thought she should.
