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‘Mr John would have, if you’d been interested,’ she declared.

That was nice to know.

‘So I’ll have you instead,’ Miss Carruthers finished.

‘What?’ Daniel had no idea what she was talking about. She wasn’t making any sense.

‘Stop being so dim. And don’t say what. Saypardon.’


‘Give me strength! You should say pardon or excuse me. Not what.’


‘I give up. What was I saying? Oh, yes, the job. I expect you here on the second of January at eight a.m. on the dot. Don’t be late.’

‘Late for what?’ He had absolutely no idea what she was on about, and he briefly wondered if she was having a funny turn.

Her sigh nearly burst his eardrums, it was so loud. ‘Don’t make me regret giving you the job.’

‘I’m sorry, Miss Carruthers, but what job are you talking about?’

‘Gardener, of course.’

‘For who?’

‘It’swhom, notwho. For me. Who else would it be for?’

Daniel didn’t have the foggiest. ‘Work for you, you mean? In Fernlea Manor?’

‘Good grief. Handsome is as handsome does. You might be nice to look at, but you’re a bit dim. Yes, Fernlea Manor. We’re going to open the gardens to the public in the summer, so you’d better get a move on. I’m willing to pay the same wages as Highfields, and you’ll get twenty-five days holiday a year. No more, no less. I trust that’s acceptable?’

‘Very. Yes. Thank you.’ Crumbs. Daniel turned his phone off and sagged against the back of his chair.

He’d got a job. Gosh.

As the news sank in, he was about to reach for his phone again to tell Seren, when he realised he should have been in the grotto five minutes ago.

Speaking to Seren would have to wait – he had magic to dispense.

‘Someone looks happy,’ Nicole said, appearing at Dippy’s window later that afternoon. She had her partner, Aaron, and Freya in tow. ‘You’d better tell me the news. It’s to do with Daniel, I take it?’

Seren beamed broadly. ‘We’re back together.’ She squeaked with joy and clapped her hands, earning herself a quizzical look from Aaron and a wide-eyed one from Freya.

‘I thought he was moving away because he’d got a new job?’ Nicole said.

‘He decided not to go for it in the end. He said he realised how much he loved me and he didn’t want to leave Tinstone.’ It was mostly the truth, and Nicole didn’t need to know all of it.

‘I’m so pleased for you.’ Nicole held her arms out, and Seren leant through the window to give her a quick hug. ‘We’re taking Freya to see Santa, then we’re going to choose a tree. We’ve decided on a real one this year. Wish me luck.’


‘I just know I’ll spend the next two weeks vacuuming up pine needles and cursing under my breath. So whilst I’m at it, I may as well buy a garland for the fireplace and a wreath for the door.’

‘You’re not paying a penny,’ Seren said. ‘I don’t want your money.’

‘In that case, let me give you a hand after Madam Freya has told Santa what she wants. You could probably do with a break.’
