Page 44 of Jag

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Saint helps me get Savvy in the car and we head to urgent care. It doesn’t take long to get her examined; the doctor determines there is nothing broken but she has a concussion. He advises aspirin for the headache and rest. I call Saint and let him know that his mom is ok. We leave and I get Savvy some aspirin and ginger ale and get on the road.

“I’m sorry baby.”

When I don’t get a response, I look over to her, I know she’s probably pissed off, so I brace myself for her anger. But when I look at her, she is smiling at me.

“Thank you,” she says and grabs my hand, lacing her fingers with mine.

“You’re thanking me for losing my temper?”

“I’m thanking you for defending me, for coming to my rescue.”

“I always will baby. No matter what, but what the hell were you thinking jumping in a fight? You could have been seriously hurt Savannah!”

“I know it was stupid, but you guys wouldn’t stop, and Bubba was in the house crying I just wanted y’all to stop fighting.”

“Baby you almost caused a murder right there in your son’s driveway,” I say.

“Well, I know he’s an ass and he deserved to get his ass handed to him. He didn’t deserve to die,” Savvy says.

“The fuck he didn’t,” I say. “For putting his hands on you, his ass should be 6 feet under right now.”

She just shakes her head at me. She’s reclined the seat and is turned on slightly towards me. She just stares at me.

“What Savannah?” I ask

“I’m just replaying that fight in my mind that’s all.”

“For what?”

“Well, I have never seen that side of you before.”

“Savvy I never wanted you to have to see that side of me.”



“Yeah, cause that shit was sexy as hell.”

I snap my head around to look at her. “Are you being serious right now?”

“Dead serious. You are having a good time at first, I could tell then he hit me, and you lost your damn mind. I might have been hurting but not too much that I couldn’t watch you beat his ass and get turned on watching you.”

My jaw is in my lap because I cannot believe the shit that just came out her mouth.She starts giggling, and all I can do is shake my head.

“Go to sleep Savvy.”

“Fine she,” says and a few seconds later she is knocked out.

I set the cruise control and prepare to get us home.


I know I need some type of therapy but watching Jag beat William’s ass was sexy as fuck. Now I do not know what I thought I was doing getting in between those two but when William hit me, I swear I saw a tweety bird flying around my head. I do not know how I stayed conscious, yes I do, the ass whooping Jag unleashed kept me fully aware. And the crazy part is even though he was giving William the business I know he was still holding back.

I’m going to have to stop myself from starting shit just to see him whoop someone’s ass. I know I need help, but oh well. My face hurts like a son of a bitch though. When I was with William one thing, I knew for certain was he would protect me. He is a fighter and age didn’t change that only Jag is better trained. I know William thought because Jag is white it was going to be an easy win, he has always been cocky feeling like no one can beat him. Until today he has been right but there is always going to be someone out there who can beat you. I don’t care who you are.

I am glad to know Saint is open to moving to Mississippi too, when we get back, I will be looking for a coaching position for him.
