Page 26 of Peter

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“Better than you are apparently. Never made it out of this town huh?”

“Well shortly after graduation, Emma got pregnant, so we got married and I got a job instead of going away. My parents cut me off since I disgraced them by getting her pregnant. But I don’t regret it.” He says trying to sound believable. I look over to Lenny and she has lost her appetite too.

“You know for years I walked around with this anger in me for the way you and Emma betrayed me, but now that I see the both of you all I say is thank you. Your actions forced me down another path that has made me a billionaire many times over. And I get to live this life with a woman I know would never betray me. Both of you can choke on a dick and die. Have a good day.” I tell them as I put a bill on the table to cover the food we didn’t eat, take Lenny’s hand and walk out of the restaurant. We grab some fast food on our way to the airport and wait in the car until I get the call that the plane is finally ready.


We finally make it back to Mississippi and head home. It is early afternoon, and I am hungry. We showered after our introduction into the mile-high club, had a light snack and went back to sleep. When we stepped off the plane you would never know we spent nineteen and a half hours out of the twenty-hour flight making love. We enter the house through the garage, and damn near have a heart attack when, “SURPRISE!” rings out from the darkness of the house. The light turns on and we realize the house is full of what I can only guess is Peter’s family.

A beautiful woman walks up to Peter, and he immediately embraces her. This has to be Savannah, his adopted daughter. I can tell just from the way he looks at her and how she looks at him they love each other very much.

“Do I need to revoke your security access to my house, Savvy?”

“I mean, you can try if it makes you feel better, but we both know that won’t stop me from coming into your house. Are you going to introduce me to your wife?”

“Savannah, this is my wife, Lennox. Lenny this is my daughter Savannah Gideon, and this giant gentleman over there trying to act like he is not watching her every move is her husband Joshua, we call him Josh but Savvy calls him Jag. The guy next to him with the red hair is Atlas and the woman next to him is his wife True. Joseph is the one sneaking food and you met Jaasiel the other day. Jabarri is the youngest and the reason Savvy will always have access to my house since he is a computer genius. Asher is the one who created the resort we just left; he is the architect. And Aryan is the redhead helping Joseph eat the food, he was also a field medic. Anson is the other redhead sitting on the couch with Megan. Megan is Savannah’s adopted daughter,” he says. “You remember Shepp, outside with the two little ones is Savvy’s oldest son Saint with his two kids Saint Jr aka Bubba and the little princess Sarai. And this is my baby Skai, my only granddaughter, and her girlfriend Alayna. This is my family, Lennox, our family.”

“It is so nice to meet you, Savvy,” I say as I offer my hand, but Savvy has none of that as she embraces me warmly.

“Thank you, Lennox,”

“For what?” I say, confused.

“For loving him. He has been alone for so long and I am so overjoyed to see him love someone and have someone love him as he deserves. So, thank you. And I hope you’ll be ok with us being in his life and yours.”

“Savvy, can I call you Savvy?” When she says yes, I continue. “I would never try to get in the way of you being in Benny’s life. Thank you for loving him and giving him the family, he has been missing for so long. You can interfere whenever you want,” I tell her, and we hug again.

Jaasiel cooked a delicious meal and I meet everyone as we enjoy our impromptu surprise engagement party. I can see why Peter adopted Savvy and vice versa, they are so sweet together and the way the whole family just accepts each other is amazing. I do not feel like I am surrounded by strangers, I feel like I am surrounded by family too. I congratulate Savannah’s kids on graduating and get to know the brothers. The great grands are adorable and a handful, Bubba reminds me of me when I was his age, he is too smart and I tell Savvy that they need to have him evaluated, I’d bet good money he is genius-level intellect.

I end up sitting on the sofa having a conversation with Aryan about his work as a field medic and my time working with vets with spinal injuries. He is an amazing man, and he has a lot of knowledge I do not know why he is not practicing medicine but that is none of my business. I hope to do some work with him in the future. While I am talking to Aryan, Benny and Shepp sits next to us, and I overhear their conversation. Apparently, Peter gave Shepp a task and not only did he meet Peter’s expectations he has exceeded them.

“I think if you didn’t sell these locations off but allowed the purchase of the use of the names under strict guidelines you can keep your brand name in those areas so if you decide to build again or purchase in that area you already established without and financial risk,” Shepp tells Peter. “These other locations I would suggest a straight sale.”

“I like the sound of that I never thought about the possibility of selling the use of my brand name. It would give the new owners credibility so they would not have to struggle to get their company going like I had to in the beginning. I also like the employee purchase option plan you created; it would give them a way to own their own hotels without having all the money upfront. They can even pool their resources together to purchase a hotel. I can’t wait to talk more with you about this, this is amazing stuff, Shepp. I knew I made the right decision making you my CEO in training,” Peter states obviously impressed.

It is two or three in the morning before everyone leaves and Peter and I are exhausted, but it’s a good exhausted and we head upstairs to spend the night in our house as almost husband and wife.
