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Chapter Ten


I was going to sleep with them in their bed. Two guys, a married couple, on their honeymoon, and I was fine with it. I hoped that wasn’t indicative of a more extensive injury than I was aware of. Maybe something was wrong with my brain. Because who would be comfortable with this—me. Very strange.

They were afraid I had a concussion and might very well be right. I tried to think of the symptoms, but if I’d ever known, I didn’t now.

The best idea was to go to bed, sleep, and let my body heal overnight. On most of the old TV shows, people got their memory back quickly—if I really did remember that. But in any case I was tired. The bath and meal had relaxed me to the point I could barely feel the aches deep in my muscles. They were at a distance, and I wanted to be asleep if they decided to come roaring back.

So I followed Zion and Andrade to the master bedroom and crawled up in the middle of the bed . “Is this all right? You probably want to be together. I’ll move to the edge.”

“No.” Zion really did have a masterful tone. “We want to keep an eye on you, so the middle is perfect.” He pulled his T-shirt over his head, and I couldn’t look away from all that muscle. And not the overbuilt gym kind, but the type that some men are just blessed with. And also keep with exercise like running and swimming. I suppressed a sigh at all that masculine beauty.

He went into the closet and came out tying a knot in the string of the waistband of a pair of white cotton pajama pants. “You okay if I sleep like this?” he asked.

“Sure.” I cleared my throat because there was an odd noise coming from it. Like a growling? Maybe I was catching a cold from the exposure. “That’s fine.”

He sat on the edge with one leg tucked under him as his mat-his husband came in and also went into the closet then emerged in a pair of cotton pants, but his were light blue. I had a feeling they were only wearing anything to make me comfortable. If I wasn’t here, they’d be in bed already, naked, and tangled up together. That thought had beads of sweat breaking out on my forehead.

“Andrade, hit the light on your way?” Zion lay back against the pillows with a sigh. “Oh, this bed is great, isn’t it?”

“Very comfortable,” I agreed. “But are you sure you want a third wheel in here?”

“You are right where you should be,” he said as the room darkened. Then Andrade was lying on my other side, and the big king-sized bed seemed much smaller.

Zion drew the comforter over all of us and I breathed in the air rich with both of their scents. They were similar but not the same, and both comforting and exciting at the same time.

My night of confusion smoothed as I lay there, and that rumbling sound in my chest grew louder. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what that could be.”

A big arm came around me from Zion’s side, and a hand drew my head down to rest on his chest. “Do you really want to know what it is? Or do you want to wait and see if you remember?”

“You know?”

“I do.” He stroked my hair, and the sound grew louder in the quiet room. It was a cross between a growl and a rumble, and I couldn’t describe it. “It’s your wolf.”

“What?” I struggled to sit up, but he tightened his hold and kept me against him. Andrade reached over and rubbed my back in soothing circles. “You were talking about wolves earlier. Now you are saying I am one?”

“Don’t think, just feel.” He cuddled me close, all heat and sensuality but not one attempt to touch anything he shouldn’t or be offensive in any way. “If our wolves can communicate, it might help you to get your memory back. Let her out.”

“Her? She’s a female wolf, and you are saying she’s in my body? How would that work?”

Andrade moved closer and laid an arm over me to rest his hand on his husband’s chest. “Do you think you can trust us?”

“Considering the situation we are in right now, I’d better be able to.” Zion’s heart beat under my cheek, steady and strong. Andrade behind me was warm, his presence nonthreatening. “I feel safer than I ever can recall. I know that’s not saying much with my few-hour memory bank, but why would any woman who has two strange men holding her between them feel safe?”

“Because you are our mate.” Andrade’s words in my ear were carried on his warm breath, and I shivered a little and leaned back into him. “You sense that, don’t you?”

“I don’t know what it means.”

“You don’t.” Zion ran a fingertip over my cheek. “But your wolf does. Try to relax and let her surface. Your injury shouldn’t be affecting her except in your keeping her suppressed.”

“I so don’t understand.”

“Close your eyes,” he said, “and try to speak to her.”

Hating the wall that kept me from everything I knew about myself and wanting so much to get past it, I was willing to try almost anything. “Out loud?”

“Doesn’t matter.” Andrade’s scruffy cheek brushed the back of my neck. If this didn’t stop, I’d be begging them to make love to me without even knowing who they’d be touching. Or if they even wanted to. They were married to each other. Mated, which I supposed was the same thing. If so, then didn’t that mean they liked men? Did that preclude their wanting to have sex with women? On their honeymoon?
