Page 47 of Random Encounter

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“You okay?” Luna asked.

I assumed her question was related to why Cole stopped by last night, and I didn’t want to get into it. Sonya was kind, but too many people already knew about the mistake that was my ex-husband. “I’m good.”

“She said as though she wasn’t really, and she didn’t want to talk about it.”

I smiled at Sonya’s narration. “No, really. I’m good. It was a good weekend. Just not super interesting.”

Sonya studied me. “I’ve never said this before, but you’re a really bad liar.”

Luna smacked her arm lightly.

“I got laid, it was really hot, and my ex-husband is probably stalking me.” The truth fell out without my permission.

“Nice. That’s what I’m talking about.” Sonya high-fived me. “Except the stalking thing. Boo.”

“I’m so excited to find out the results of last week’s beta.” Luna’s exclamation came out of nowhere.

I stared at her, grateful for the change in subject, but wondering if it could’ve been more subtle.

Sonya raised her brows. “New topic then. Me too, Luna. As you know, the results will confirm for us whether or not we can move into the next phase as planned.” Her delivery was a weird combination of wooden and exaggerated.

“Who talks like that?” I asked through my laugh.

“Every character I’ve ever written. Or hopefully not.” Sonya’s incensed tone was exaggerated. “Seriously though, I get it. You don’t know me, I don’t know you, Adrienne’s weekend is off-limits.”

“No. Just anything that reminds me of my ex.”

Sonya seemed to relax. “I get that. I tuck my trauma away too. But since we’re talking work…” She leaned in. “You didn’t hear it from me, but Judith is talking to new investors.” Her voice was low.

“Are we short on funds?” I kept my question soft, but concern budded inside. I’d been assured the company was well-funded enough that it would be solvent for quite a while even without a revenue stream… And I already loved it here, even though it had been less than a week.

“Unlikely.” Luna didn’t sound worried, but then again, she rarely did. “But more money means more staff and more in-game niftiness sooner rather than later.”

“Ooh, we have an art insider now.” Sonya grinned.

Luna clucked. “We had an insider before. No one is a stranger at Aces.”

“Not the same.” Sonya turned to me. “Adrienne understands why it’s super important we know what cute new outfits are coming, and she’ll make sure my orc looks adorably sub.”

“I don’t know… What’s in it for me if I tell?” I teased.

Luna scrunched up her nose in thought. “Free wi-fi?”

“Ooh, I know.” Sonya raised her had. “You can ship any NPC you want with any other, and I’ll make it happen.”

Something occurred to me. “We have a lot of power, don’t we?” Not just the three of us, but this entire company. I knew we were shaping a different direction in gaming, but at this moment is struck home exactly what that meant.

“Isn’t it perfect?” Luna asked.

It really was.

We chatted some more while we ate, and pretended to grumble when it was time to cross the street to start the day. With the men I’d had filthy sex with this weekend. Who I was supposed to act perfectly normal around, because they weren’t boyfriends, they were friends. Did the light touches go away? Get more intense? Those were there from the start. What about the flirting? The inappropriate innuendo?

I didn’t want to lose any of that.

It was a lot easier to say causal sex is cool before I had to consider the details outside the bedroom.

I couldn’t ignore my nerves as I approached our office. How was this supposed to work?
