Page 97 of The Agreement

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Normally we let Deacon sleep in on Sundays, but today he and Adam were officially moving in. The three of us already spent almost every night together, and we were tired of not having a bed and a space that was all of ours.

They were moving in with me, since I had the most space.

“Could you do that without the orgasmic groaning?” Paige asked as Adam walked toward the stairs. “Some of us are still working on our first cup of coffee.”

Bryan snorted. “Speak for yourself. I’ve had plenty of coffee and I still don’t want to hear it. They made you listen to gross sex noises? Really? I call child abuse.”

“I can’t help it if Deacon is a bear,” Adam said.

Paige made a gagging motion. “In the morning.”

“You meant to addin the morningto the end of that sentence,” Bryan added.

Adam shrugged. “Did I? I don’t think I did.Rawr.”

I just laughed. The four of them, my men and my twins, got along so well. It was wonderful to see, even if I wasn’t quite comfortable with them vocalizing that specific topic.

Deacon was unusually bright-eyed when he and Adam joined us again.

When I mentioned it, Deacon gave me a quick kiss on the forehead. “Of course I am,” he said. “Today’stheday.” His hair had grown back over the past year, and he had it pulled into a high ponytail. I had to admit, I loved the look, especially with those sexy, tattooed forearms on display.

Perfect reason to be all smiles, as far as I was concerned.

We spent the next several hours making trips between Deacon’s shop and the house, transferring boxes and furniture.

Adam filmed a lot of it for his channel, which had exploded in popularity as he’d shifted to focus on weird and unique shops like Deacon’s, Aubrey’s, and Sebastian’s. Adam included a little bit about his life—our lives—too, but I wasn’t worried about him putting private information out in the world. He was cautious about how he shared.

He used his platform to promote little shops all over the country. A lot of them would send him video and he either compiled episodes from what they sent him, or flew out and spent a few days with them to get the footage he needed.

Deacon’s shop still got more coverage than everyone else. Partly because Adam was biased, but Deacon’s business had grown as well.

He did a lot of sales on a consignment basis, including making connections for other shops on the streets. He sold a lot of interesting antiques for people who didn’t want to get into reselling but had things they wanted to get rid of.

Both Adam and Deacon were loving what they were doing, and I loved seeing them so happy.

We finished moving everything in, and ordered pizza.

As the five of us sat around eating, laughing, and just enjoying the day, I absorbed all of it. Not because I was worried it wouldn’t last, but because I wanted to remember every bit of this amazing life going forward.

I wanted the twins to know this was their home still, even if they didn’t live here anymore. They were welcome back any time, and their rooms would stay theirs.

We wrapped up, and it was time to take Paige to the airport. I didn’t want her on such a late flight, but she insisted it was the best way to make sure she got to spend time with us and still make work in the morning.

“Before you go, I almost forgot.” Deacon held up a finger, then jogged upstairs.

Paige and Bryan gave me a questioning look, and I shrugged. Whatever he was up to, it ought to be interesting.

Deacon was back a moment later, with a brown paper wrapped square. “For your apartment.” He handed the picture to Paige.

“Ooh, present.” She ripped into the wrapping without hesitation, her brother cringing the entire time. I assumed because she wasn’t cutting everything away carefully.

Paige’s jaw dropped when she saw what was inside, and I couldn’t help my smile. It was a picture frame with two photos of her tank—the original image of the original owner, and a second one with her, Bryan, and Adam standing in front of the vehicle.

“I love it. Thank you.” Paige threw her arms around Deacon’s neck. She hugged Adam as well. “Because you took the picture.”

I hated to tear her away from them, or send her on her way, but she had a flight to catch.

I took Paige to the airport and Bryan rode along. When we dropped her off at the curb, we exchanged a billion hugs and almost as many sniffles and tears. Even Bryan was swiping at his cheeks.

After we watched Paige walk into the airport, I took Bryan back to his apartment. I was so proud of my kids—all grown up and following their dreams.

I dropped him off as well and headed home. The home I’d bought so many years ago just needing a place for myself and my babies where I could hide from the world. The house I’d mourned in. Watched my children grow up in. And now the house I was starting the next chapter of my life in.

Adam and Deacon were there, waiting with kisses and love.

Everything that had happened in this home had made me, my children, the people we were now.

And I couldn’t wait to see what came next, with my amazing guys and wonderful life.

* * *
