Page 3 of B Positive

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I cut off her babbling with a hand. “Don’t worry about it,” I said with a smile I certainly didn’t feel.

“So that’s probably a no, then, huh?”

“Definitely a no.” I glanced at the clock at the back of the bar. “I already have plans, I’m afraid.”

“Hm, shame. Well, another time maybe,” she said and tossed me a fucking wink over her shoulder.

Shit.I could kick myself for that careless fuck-up. As good as I was at this job, I was kind of a shit vampire. Who lets their veil just slip like that?

A shitty vamp who wasn’t trained properly, that’s who.

The poor woman who’d almost gotten drugged had also just caught the barest taste of vamp magnetism. And now, she’d spend the next week pining over me with no idea why.

Magnetism convinced humans we were safe, even as we bit their necks and drained their blood.

They were perfectly happy to give themselves to us.

Because my voice, scent, appearance, even my mannerisms, when not blocked out fully, invited connection, elicited trust, and even short-circuited sexual orientation.

Vampires were evolution’s Rohypnol.

And one reason tonight was the biggest night of my life.

I’d planned for this night all year.

One last job to set me up and hit the nastiest vamp in town where it hurt most.

His bank account.

See, I wasn’t just a cute vampire bartender with a slight vigilante complex.

Although I loved it, I did the bartending gig for the taxes. I had to report something to the IRS if I wanted to stay within human laws.

Not that I had problems breaking them. I mean, whoever heard of a law-abiding thief?

And that?

That was my other favorite job. Taking from the fat cats of the city to make my own little nest egg.

In three hours, this shift would be over and I’d be dolled up and well on my way to getting everything I’d ever wanted.

Five mil.

That’s been the goal since I was little.

Well, truthfully, the goal then was only a hundred thousand. That was the number my child brain thought would make me whole.

Ah, inflation, you dirty little shit.

Five million was my new “safe” number. The figure I’ve been working toward my whole vamp life. Five million tucked away in an off-shore account meant protection. It was resources and safety. That number would allow me to weather whatever came next. Whatever new alpha-hole Chad vampire set up shop here, I could leave, never look back, and in moments be set up somewhere new with a new identity. Multiple times, should the need arise.

I could live off the interest alone indefinitely, something most vamps didn’t need to consider because they would either compel and take what they wanted, or had already built their wealth.

Five mil gave me options, freedom, and breathing room.

And tonight was the night that dream came true.

